Health and nutrition with Alkaline and Acidic foods

Acidic foods are responsible for the inflammation we have, as well as osteoporosis, because the body takes calcium from the bones to balance the PH in the blood, which is acidic. All meats, dairy, and processed foods are acidic, while all fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and generally unprocessed foods are alkaline. It's clear what foods we need to eat to fly.

According to Dr. Joseph Sweere, as well as most holistic doctors today, that is, doctors who aim to keep us healthy without drugs, it is very important that the PH of our blood remains alkaline.

At 7 degrees the PH of our blood is neutral, to be alkaline it must be between 7.0 - 7.5, the ideal of course is 7.4. But why does the PH have to be alkaline?

Because when the PH of our blood is alkaline, then the risk of inflammatory conditions in our body that cause arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and heart problems is reduced.

This is because when our blood is alkaline it has the ability to neutralize acids. Alkalinity is expressed as a PH number, on a scale of 0 to 14. A PH of 7 is neutral. Neither acidic nor alkaline. Our blood is alkaline when it has a PH of 7 and above, ideal PH is 7.5. And we achieve this by eating 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic.

If our blood PH drops below 6.8 or rises above 7.8 our cells stop working and we die.

With alkaline foods we remain healthy because the PH of the blood is from 7 to 7.5 and then the cells are renewed normally. Acidic foods oxidize tissues and organs and lead to disease.

So we pay attention to our diet because a large part of our health depends on it (the rest depends on our thoughts, our beliefs and our emotions).

According to Nobel Prize winning physician Dr Otto Warburg, an alkaline body can absorb up to 20 times more oxygen than an acidic body and he proved that cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich or alkaline environment.

The alkaline balance of our body helps fight the flu and strengthen the immune system.

So by eating a diet high in the following best alkaline foods, you can change your body's pH balance pretty quickly.

Alkaline foods:

To be healthy: diet with 80% alkaline and only 20% acidic foods 2All fresh ripe fruits such as: Apples, apricots, cherries, figs, grapes, lemons (lemon is alkaline and according to Dr Joseph Sweere, if every morning we drink a glass of water in which we have squeezed half a lemon is the best to keep our blood alkaline), oranges, tangerines, melons, watermelons, peaches, cherries, strawberries, mango, papaya.

To be healthy: diet with 80% alkaline and only 20% acidic foods 3All fresh vegetables such as: Tomatoes (ripe), cucumbers, spinach, artichokes, broccoli, carrots, turnip greens, lettuce, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, garlic , onions, potatoes, peppers, celery, endives, green beans, seaweed, peas, fava beans, leeks, beans, parsley, zucchini, sweet potatoes, flaxseed, eggplants, cauliflower, okra, beets, radishes, turnips.


  • Unprocessed honey (we mean unboiled honey, as it comes out of the honeycomb)
  • All oils such as: olive oil, avocado oil, almond oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil.
  • All products derived from the soybean, as well as the soybean. Giant beans.
  • All herbs and spices
  • Alkaline nuts such as: almonds, walnuts, chestnuts.
  • Raw cane sugar or sweets made from raw cane sugar and molasses.
  • Foods with a high pH=10: spinach, broccoli, artichokes, seaweed, asparagus, radishes, onions, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, lemons,
  • Foods with a high pH=9: Avocado, kiwi, cantaloupe, tangerines, figs, dates, mango, papaya green tea, cabbage, celery, sweet potato, eggplant, peas, kidney beans, beets, blueberries, pear, grape.
  • The best alkaline foods are: Spinach, broccoli, parsley leaves, lemon, carrots, cabbage, celery, dried figs, banana, kiwi, pineapple.

Acidic foods:

  • All cereals and bread, cookies.
  • Most legumes, such as white, blue-gray and red beans, kidney beans (not soybeans and giants), chickpeas, lentils.
  • All products derived from Milk: milks, cheeses, yogurts, butters
  • All meat, fish, eggs.
  • Everything in it, Alcohol, caffeine (even black tea), tobacco.
  • All sweets, fructose and processed honey (except those made from raw cane sugar).
  • Certain nuts such as: cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pistachios,
  • All hydrogenated oils, such as margarine.
  • Processed vegetable products such as ketchup and mayonnaise, sugar.
  • Processed vinegar.
  • Highly acidic foods: PH 3: Hydrogenated water, Soda, Energy Drinks, while the PH of tap water is neutral at PH7.
  • PH4: Popcorn, Cream cheeses, buttermilk, prunes, sweets, macaroni, cheese, pork, beer, wine, black tea, pickles, chocolate, baked nuts, vinegar
Acidic foods create an acidic environment in our body, which slows down the metabolism and absorbs energy, causing us to get sicker and our metabolism to decrease.

Acidic foods contain extra acid which oxidizes our tissues and organs and weakens them. ¨When the environment in our body is acidic, it is a perfect environment for the cultivation of harmful bacteria and other micro-organisms that cause damage to our body and especially to our glands. And especially in the thyroid gland, a fact that reduces our metabolism.

Excess acid creates problems and malfunctions in our basic organs such as the liver, heart, kidneys and creates serious health problems.

Conclusion: Acidic foods are responsible for the inflammation we have, as well as osteoporosis, because the body takes calcium from the bones to balance the PH in the blood, which is acidic.

All meats, dairy, and processed foods are acidic, while all fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and generally unprocessed foods are alkaline. It's clear what foods we need to eat to fly.

To get rid of all our problems for good we have to change on all levels so that we don't experience negative emotions and block our energy.

For any health problem you have, please consult your doctor first.

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