Natural Therapies - H2o2 -hydrogen peroxide - cancer treatments

The well-known oxygenation seems to contribute significantly to the effective treatment of a wide range of diseases. However, although many scientists are conducting revealing studies on its healing properties, their findings are systematically degraded by the medical system. 170 years ago, when India was still a British colony, the natives drank water, in which they dissolved small amounts of hydrogen to treat a wide variety of diseases - from milder, such as the flu, to more serious illnesses, such as cholera and malaria. The results of this method of treatment were so positive that it was considered that its spread would affect the trade in chemical drugs that had then begun to be established in the United Kingdom.

To deal with the threat, the British authorities hired a reporter, who - pretending to be a doctor - "fabricated" a story about a child who died of brain damage, after taking hydrogen peroxide. The fact that the news came from a "specialist" decisively influenced the Indians, so they abandoned the use of H2O2 and turned to British medicines (Madison Cavanaugh, The one-minute cure: The secret to healing virtually all diseases).

It was the first blow against a promising treatment method, which has since been systematically suppressed by the pharmacocentric medical model. Many scientists (Willhelm, Warburg, Oliver, Holman, Farr, Barnard, Palthe, McCabe, Cummings) claim that its therapeutic benefits are very important for almost all diseases, turning it into a panacea without precedent and, in fact, at zero cost! Among them, some use it as an alternative method of treatment since classical medicine refuses to include it in its established practices and the scientific community does not fund formal research on its effectiveness.

Oxygen: the key to a healthy body
The human body is 70% -80% water, most of which (89%) is oxygen. Almost all human biological energy comes from this building block, thanks to which the organism remains alive and in good condition. And proof is that a person can survive weeks without food, several days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen. Its fundamental role in sustaining life has led many scientists to study the oxygen itself, as well as the relationship that its deficiency may have with the onset of disease, but also its potential utilization for health recovery.


The general conclusion that emerges from all the studies is that the primary cause of most diseases is associated - to a greater or lesser degree - with its insufficient presence, mainly at the cellular level, and that strengthening the body with extra oxygen creates favorable conditions for the prevention or fight against pathogenesis (Madison Cavanaugh, The one-minute cure: The secret to healing virtually all diseases). One of the most important discoveries about the power of oxygen in the healing process took place in 1931.

Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for proving that viruses cannot survive and thrive in oxygen-rich environments because they are anaerobic. In addition, Warburg through his experiments found that the removal of oxygen from the cell by 35%, turns it into cancer. He argued that the root cause of cancer is insufficient oxygenation of cells and that, if we reverse this fact, cancer could be defeated (Otto Warburg, The prime cause and prevention of cancer, 30/6/1966). Subsequent studies by Warburg himself and other scientists concluded that almost all toxins and bacteria are neutralized in oxygen-rich environments (Otto Warburg, The prime cause and prevention of cancer).

However, the medical and pharmaceutical industries insist on not taking advantage of these therapeutic solutions - apparently because they are not given any financial incentive. Both ozone and hydrogen peroxide are non-patented substances and their manufacturing costs are extremely low. Moreover, if their therapeutic effect really concerns all diseases, it turns them into a threat to the established industry of expensive symptomatic drugs and costly medical practices. Maybe this is the reason why the system does not fund official research that would prove their value (Madison Cavanaugh, The one-minute cure: The secret to healing virtually all diseases).

8 natural therapies with oxygen
If you mix oxygen with water, you will have an antiseptic mouthwash. Gargling with this mixture also relieves sore throat. Just remember not to swallow it.
Oxygen or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a popular product all over the world and can be found in most people's home pharmacies.
Oxygen is generally used to care for and disinfect wounds because it is a powerful antibiotic that protects the skin from a variety of microorganisms. But there are many other ways to use this homemade product, both for your health and for your beauty.

Before we get started, though, it's important to note that the product you are going to buy must come from onepharmacy  , should be in a dark bottle and have a strength of 3% (maximum 5%) - otherwise it will be harmful to your health.

Fighting acne
Of the many treatments available today for this common skin problem , few people know that something as simple and inexpensive as oxygen can help a lot.
How should you use it?
First, you need to wash your face or the part of your body that has acne and then apply a little oxygen with a piece of cotton.
It is not a good idea to apply it all over your skin in general as it can cause irritation and dryness.

Wound disinfection is
without a doubt one of the most common uses of oxygen, thanks to its ability to fight bacteria and disinfect the area around a wound.
How should you use it?
Simply soak a cotton ball or a piece of oxygen gauze and apply it to the wound, making sure your hands are clean.

treatment for foot and nail fungus
Athlete's foot and foot fungus can be annoying and painful conditions for people suffering from them. It is important to take action against these problems as they can adversely affect the health of your feet.
How should you use it?
In both cases, it is recommended to make a mixture with one part oxygen and three parts water and immerse your feet in it for twenty minutes.
You should repeat this treatment two to three times a day and very soon the fungus will disappear.
Sore Throat and Cold Soreness
The ability of oxygen to fight bacteria helps relieve sore throats.
How should you use it?
Mix one part hot water with one part oxygen and gargle with the mixture. Be careful not to swallow it.
This can also help prevent colds and flu, because it effectively kills the bacteria that are responsible.
Lightening your hair color
One of the most popular uses of oxygen in the beauty world is highlights in the hair . In fact, oxygen can be very useful to discolor the darkest fluff that can sometimes appear over the upper lip.
However, it is not recommended for people with very dark hair because the result can be a yellowish or orange tint.
How should you use it?
Mix equal parts water and oxygen in a spray and spray the spot you want to make lighter.
Another option is to add a little oxygen to your regular shampoo and just bathe as usual.

AMAZING !!! Oral solution 
The antiseptic properties of oxygen make it an ideal ingredient to make a homemade mouthwash. It is powerful enough to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath .
How should you use it?
Mix one and a half tablespoons of oxygen with three tablespoons of water and rinse your mouth before brushing your teeth.
Some people use the product without diluting it, but this is not recommended as it may cause irritation inside your mouth.

Removing freckles
Thanks to its mild whitening properties, oxygen is an ideal way to reduce the appearance of dark spots on the face due to sun exposure or due to hormonal changes.
How should you use it?
Wet a piece of cotton with oxygen and apply it gently on all affected areas.
Physical therapy with oxygen # 8/8: cleaning the ears
The accumulation of blisters in the ear can be both annoying and harmful to your hearing.
Oxygen facilitates the removal of the cell while also helping to prevent infections of the inner ear.
How should you use it?
Mix a tablespoon of warm water with a tablespoon of oxygen and put a few drops in each ear.


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