Research: Bee after arthritis and multiple sclerosis seems to beat AIDS and cancer

And while bee venom began to be sold in pharmacies for the treatment of arthritis the bee scores again
After arthritis and multiple sclerosis seems to beat AIDS and cancer, Nanoparticles that contain a powerful toxin from bee venom , can be the powerful weapon against the HIV virus that causes AIDS. According to researchers from the University of Washington School of Medicine, the toxin "melittin" detected in bee venom can destroy HIV without harming the surrounding healthy cells. The researchers said their finding was an important step towards creating a gel that can prevent the spread of HIV.
As they explain, melittin destroys malignant cells and certain viruses. Recently, it was found that this toxin destroys the outer shell of HIV, but also of other viruses, "as if opening holes in a sack". Administration of quite large amounts of melittin can cause extremely significant damage to such viruses. 


According to Samuel A. Wickline , Professor of Biomedical Sciences,
"We knew that nanoparticles, loaded with melittin, have anti-cancer properties, as they have the ability to kill cancer cells. Linking anti-cancer therapies to bee venom is not new. "Since 2004 there have been official reports that it could have applications in the treatment and prevention of cancer." 
What seems to be proving now is that the toxin melittin also hits HIV.
Discovery Channel - Wonderful Treatments with Bee Sting

In fact, healthy, normal cells remain intact.  Scientists have shown that nanoparticles loaded with melittin do not damage these cells but target HIV.
In fact, in order to increase the levels of safe administration of the toxin, the researchers added "protectors" to the surface of the nanoparticles so that when they come in contact with normal cells, the nanoparticles bounce instead of sticking. 
On the contrary, it is possible that nanoparticle protectors are not functional, possibly due to the small size of the HIV virus. So when a nanoparticle coated with bee toxin comes in contact with the surface of HIV, it destroys it. 
While most anti-HIV drugs work by inhibiting the virus' ability to multiply, melittin nanoparticles attack a vital part of its structure.
The anti-cancer synergy of bee sting with propolis is also miraculous: 

Propolis has a cytological effect against fibrosarcoma in the large intestine, delays the progression of skin cancer, causes apoptosis of liver cancer cells and generally inhibits the respiration of cancer cells. The combination of propolis with  bee venom  has a 100% greater ability to destroy cancer cells and tumors.

More information:
-The venom of bees was also known as a medicine, from the depths of human history. The therapeutic effect on the human body and the benefits of the poison are described in the works of ancient scientists and physicians such as Hippocrates (4th century BC), Pliny (2nd century BC) and others. Extensive research is being done around the world today to rescue and record them. In most cases, bee venom is more effective than synthetic drugs. Everything on earth is poison, nothing is lacking and bee venom. Only one dose turns the substance into poison or medicine.  Wise words of great scientists.
-The truth is this, the venom of many animals in small doses has been used successfully to treat various diseases, both in Orthodox and alternative medicine from ancient times to the present day. Bee venom remains the undisputed leader on this long list in the global pharmaceutical industry.
What is it that makes it so special? Indeed, bee venom is special, due to the many ingredients contained in its composition. It contains about 18 biologically active compounds, some of which are almost impossible to create or synthesize by chemical methods in laboratories. Today the majority of these biologically active compounds are studied in depth and all their useful and beneficial properties are discovered.
Below we examine some of the components of bee venom that are provided for treatment and certainly have a positive effect on the human body.
-Melitin is the main active ingredient in bee venom. The percentage level contained in bee venom is 50-60%. Melitine provides very strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. Scientists in Australia are researching and studying the molecular structure of Melitin to develop a cure for cancer because it has fewer side effects than other drugs used to fight the disease.
Apamine is another active ingredient in bee venom that deserves our attention. Its poison content is about 1-2%. The great value of this ingredient is that it uses the action of the components of the poison to treat brain diseases.
-A peptide of bee venom called MCD was discovered that one of its properties is that, as an anti-inflammatory, it is 100 times more active than hydrocortisone.
How does bee venom work?
-The various components of the poison such as peptides have action: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antifungal, antibacterial, stimulating vascular permeability. They also regulate the level of cortisone in the body by their action on the adrenal glands. The poison has been shown to be extremely useful and relieves the pain of people suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.
-Russian scientists have discovered that bee venom contributes to capillaries and low blood pressure as they increase blood flow to the organs thus greatly improving human metabolism. As the poison also increases the amount of hemoglobin and white blood cells in the blood and reduces the thickness of blood clots, it becomes and is very useful for people who are sensitive to thrombophlebitis.
-The poison also helps lower blood cholesterol, provides a tonic effect on the heart muscle and lowers blood pressure. Improves patients' general health, appetite, sleep and increased vitality. It strengthens the body and relieves pain, so it is used to treat rheumatic diseases as well as arthritis. Excellent effect and good results have been observed when bee venom was used to treat neuralgia and other nerve diseases. It is also good for the human body that suffers from high blood pressure. Bee venom as a complementary treatment in many diseases, in combination with other drugs shows excellent results.
-Two are the disadvantages of this method, the pain and the intense stress of the patients at the beginning of the therapeutic visits.
-After the use of bee venom in the traditional treatment of diseases, it is now used as a supplement to a healthy diet. New Zealand, first and Australia second in the world, are countries that use mixtures of honey and bee venom for nutritional purposes, in addition to creams and lotions for the face and skin. Product doses are adjusted according to the individual.
-Bee venom is also used in animals, it is known that animals also suffer from arthritis and rheumatism. The products of the poison bring relief to the pains and speed up the healing process and recovery.

Therapeutic properties of bee venom Bee therapy 
, the medical use of bee products has been practiced since ancient times. In modern times bee products are beginning to find widespread use in many fields including medicine using poison in the treatment of arthritis and other diseases. There are more than 2,000 books on the subject around the world. In the United States, the military has extensively tested bee venom chemicals, and universities, research centers, and even hospitals in France and Russia have included it in their clinical trials.
Bee venom contains 18 active substances. Melitin, apamine, hyaluronidase, phospholipase, or histamine and others, are substances contained in bee venom.
Bee venom treatment is useful and can become even more useful in a wide range of diseases. Dr. Mraz, a beekeeper himself in Middlebury, Vermont, who has been promoting bee venom treatment for the past 60 years, says it makes sense to try bee venom therapy in any clinical setting where no one can work anymore. other medicine. However, there are four conditions that are most common:
Arthritis, Poison treatment is useful in both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, as it helps relieve pain and swelling. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the rheumatoid tubers reduce in size. In diseases such as scleroderma, the poison strengthens the connective tissue. Even in spastic colitis and asthma can be tested with bee venom.
Acute and chronic injuries.  Swelling of the tendon nerve or tendonitis and other injuries respond well and positively to bee venom, as well as to chronic back and neck pain. In the above cases, the effect is probably anti-inflammatory.
The rapid and asymptomatic closure of external wounds, without traces of intense scars but also during the postoperative period, it helps a lot in the easy reconnection of the injured tissues.
In multiple sclerosis, the use of bee venom is not well understood, but because patients see positive results should be further studied.
-The important thing is that hundreds of patients from all over the world seek treatment for some of their disease, through the drugs created from bee products, which exceed 10,000 tons per year.
-Treatment with bee venom can be done by a beekeeper, or the patient himself or one of his associates who are taught for this purpose how to use the bees. A bee from a jar or a hive with some forceps or tweezers and is held above the part of the body that we want to bite. The number, areas and frequency of stings depend on the patient and the problem.
-For a simple tendonitis, the patient needs 2-5 visits, with 2-3 bites at each visit.
-For arthritis which is a chronic problem the treatment will take 2-3 months with various stings 2-3 times a week.
For multiple sclerosis the treatment lasts more months, although sometimes patients feel more energetic after the first visits. However, many patients who use bee venom treatment insist that someone doing this sclerosis treatment should be done more than 2-3 times a week for about 6 months in order to see the full benefit in their body. There are physicians who use this method to treat the above disease, by taking the poison from sterile vials and injecting it under the skin, sometimes mixed with a local anesthetic. Some say that collecting and keeping the poison in the vials loses some of its power,
-The side effects of bee venom treatment are generally limited and consist of swelling, slight inflammation of the spot and mild sweet itching, it certainly has some pain at first, but the results are positive.
-However, the risk of allergic shock to the patient in bee venom is always possible, so it is always wise to have an anti-allergic test before treatment but also to have it with you in a portable refrigerator and the anti-allergic kit, which contains, antihistamine pills, cortisone, adrenaline and syringe on hand.
-Fortunately, most allergic shocks are caused by small or large yellow wasps and not by bees themselves, which make up less than 5% of all insect bites.

Bee venom treatment. (1)
-The treatment with bee venom is the most complex treatment of the different types of bee therapy. Always do an allergy test before starting treatment and consult an experienced bee therapist. But beware, because bee venom is not the same as small or large wasp venom, even a positive wasp allergy test does not necessarily preclude the test and bee allergy test. On the contrary, it is necessary to test and supervise it in every type of bee therapy. In the end we can learn and do the treatments at home alone or with the help of one of our partners.
-Bee venom is injected into the body, either through a needle or a syringe, or directly from the sting with a bee sting. Some professionals inject the venom with a hypodermic needle, but other beekeepers place the bees, one at a time, directly on the skin, after grasping them with a long forceps or forceps suitable for this task. The bees are always placed near the point where the muscles join or in any other part of the body that needs to be treated.
-Surely the sting of bees can be painful but this should not worry us. In fact, bee stings hurt less than the pain caused by a small or large wasp sting. The degree of discomfort depends on how much we endure the pain. The first sting is always the worst because we do not know how we will feel, but little by little the pain gets used to our body and does not bother us at all. When treating by injection with a needle or bee sting expect that you will feel some local discomfort such as itching, burning, swelling, redness and pain, we have a bag of ice ready and place it on the treatment area and the symptoms will subside quickly .
-If the bee therapist works with real bees, the stings will be removed immediately or in a few minutes. A simple tendonitis requires two or three treatments of two to ten bites per treatment. For a more difficult case such as multiple sclerosis, up to three treatments per week are required, with two to three bites per treatment for six months or even longer.
-You do not need to ask a professional to try other types of bee therapy such as pollen, propolis, royal jelly, which should be like raw honey. Because an allergic shock can have a bad effect, treatment should be continued with great care if you do not know if you are sensitive or allergic to a bee product.

Diseases that use bee venom
Today bee venom has found application in the treatment of diseases such as various types of rheumatism. At the same time, the poison is used:
-as a dietary supplement,
-in vitamins
- during exercise, because it creates hyperactivity in the human body.
The poison was also used in the following cases:
Rheumatic diseases 
Acute and chronic tendonitis, ankylosis, deforming spondylitis, juvenile arthritis, myalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis, etc.
Heart Diseases 
Acute myocardial infarction, Arrhythmias, Hypertension, atherosclerosis etc.
Adrenal secretions (cortisone), hypoglycemia, menstrual irregularities in women, etc.
Immune system 
AIDS, lupus erythematosus, etc.
Nervous system
Chronic pain syndrome, lumbago, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuritis, herpes pains, sciatica.
diseases Open wounds, eczema, calluses, fungal infections, psoriasis, scleroderma, skin ulcers, etc.
There are still many areas where bee venom and other bee products find applications.

Melitine and its anti-cancer action. 
Australian scientists are modifying bee venom and developing programs and testing cancer treatment techniques that may have fewer side effects than other technical chemical drugs used to fight the incurable disease.
-A research program recently funded, uses an active component of bee venom as a potential treatment for cancer by the following procedure:
-Part venom consists of several peptides and other ingredients, the melittin is the major quantity and the dissolution energy of cells during bee stinging. The main property of melittin is to shed it on the cell walls during the sting. We, scientists say, try to modify the structure of the melittin peptide, first to remove the part that causes allergic shock and secondly not to disrupt the ability to kill cells by dissolving the membranes that make up the walls of cells. 
-Of course the problem with scientists is that they have to turn the peptide towards the cancer cells only and not the normal healthy cells.
We did, as we initially planned and combined antibody molecules with the modified melittin. (The combination of a toxin and an antibody is called an immunotoxin).
-Technical chemical drugs used in conventional chemotherapy, also attack healthy cells, thus causing unwanted side effects, such as hair loss, weight loss, vomiting, etc.  Such symptoms in patients limit the amount of drug and therefore they limit its effectiveness,  scientists say.
They also point out that the melittin contained in bee venom is much less toxic than bacterial toxins used for chemotherapy now. The new immunotoxin-type drugs produced by this program can minimize the possible side effects, while also maintaining the ability to destroy only cancer cells and not healthy ones. We still have a long way to go to complete this research. We also want some time for clinical trials, but we are all actors, scientists, researchers and professors very optimistic about the first successful steps we have taken.

The bee sting and its venom:
-Bees belong to the ancient and ancient species of insects on our planet, which are constantly evolving and adapting their defenses according to the period and the environment in which they live. Of course, this is not immediately apparent because every adjustment is made gradually and after thousands of years, but science and research in this field helps directly.
-Bees are a good example of the evolution and ever-evolving species on our planet.
-For the defense against their enemies, for the better and greater saving of food and in general for their survival, they adapted their needs first to small groups and little by little the groups evolved into larger societies. The result of this adaptation for their defense, from solitary species, to be organized in an integrated and constantly evolving society. This development also had an effect on their biological evolution, as a herbivore they developed the only weapon of defense against their many enemies, the sting with its venom.
-Their organization in a large society ensured their survival to this day, because at the same time developed the way of organized defense against invaders with excellent results, also the hive protected and ensured the smooth and risk-free life of bees, from various predators.
-The bee when defending, to protect its hive becomes excessive.
-Rarely the bee attacks when it is at work such as collecting nectar, pollen, propolis and water. However, it can be irritating if someone tries to grab or touch it, or treat it violently, or put some pressure on it with its hands or feet, even if carelessly, then the bee will instinctively tease.
- But in general the rule applies Do not disturb her so that she does not bother you.
-The age of the bees that defend the hive in the first stage is about 14-20 days, these middle-aged bees have in their bladder the largest possible amount of venom. When the bee is born, its sting is tender for a few days. The poison in her bladder very little in quantity. Within two weeks the poison reaches about 0.3 mg. The bladder is full. After the 18th day it is difficult for the bee to produce extra venom. The production of venom by the bee organism is related to the consumption of pollen.
-Generally the venom in worker bees is produced by a gland and stored in the venom bladder, which communicates with the sting, which is located at the last end of the abdomen and is internal. The bee can and does control it so that when it stings another bee or wasp or other insect it can pick it up again in its abdomen, without having any effect, because the skin or the exoskeleton of the insect is made of a membrane which the entrance of the center, does not block its exit. However, when it pierces the skin of mammals with its sting, it cannot pull it and this becomes the cause of its death, because along with the sting, part of the bee's intestines is detached.
-The skin of mammals has elasticity while that of insects does not, so when with the pressure of the bee the sting penetrates into our skin, the skin opens leaving the sting to penetrate causing a wound. As the bee tries to leave, the skin returns to its original position, holding its sting like an arrow and preventing it from pulling it back. Trying to free herself, she hooks her <XML = "true" PREFIX = "ST1" NAMESPACE = ""> 6 feet to the skin and pulls her body or puts more force on her wings to fly away in both cases if the sting detached from her body is doomed to die in a short time.

What happens when you are bitten 
- When a bee stings you, the most important thing to do is not to panic but to keep your cool.
-Panic after a sting can cause our body to produce a negative reaction on its own.
-Many people think they are allergic to bee stings but in reality this is not the case.
-Statistically and medically it has been found that 1 to 2 people in 100 are allergic and hypersensitive to bee and wasp stings.
-It was calculated that someone can be safe if he even accepts 10 bites per kilo of his body weight. This means that a child is at risk of losing 300 or more bites. An adult is at risk with more than 700 bites. Of course, some deaths came after some stings in the elderly, but they had cardiovascular dysfunction before.
-The first thing you need to do after the bite is to remove the sting from the point where the bee "left" it.
-The end of the center is like an arrow and remains held by the skin tightly when the bee is gone.
-A muscle remains attached to the bladder of the venom and after the detachment of the center from the bee it continues and makes contractions as a result of which ΄΄trobs the venom quickly from the bladder to the victim. It was estimated that within 20 seconds it empties about 70% of the bladder, if it stays for more than a minute it completely empties the entire bladder, whose contents amount to about 0.3 mg.
-After a while the sting comes out on its own but the poison emptied all into the wound.
-The bee can and does sting the mammals only once after it loses its sting and part of its abdomen and this results in its short death.
How to remove the sting. 
-We never catch with our fingers the back of the center that protrudes from the skin or from the wound it created, because in our attempt to catch it to remove it we push without wanting the bladder which is not visible, as it is not visible and poison because it is colorless like water. So with the pressure, we empty the wound faster all the poison ourselves.
Right way
-Remove the bee sting by using the nail or a blade of a knife, or nail clipper, or another equal and sharp object, even a calling card or withdrawal card. We make a detachment movement from the skin, tilting our card or nail so that it touches the skin right next to the sting, we exert a small force, we move our nail or an object that we have for peeling use and we push the root of the sting to come off, always in one direction, once or twice with a little care we peel off the sting easily.

Why we are bitten by bees 
The stages
The bee-guards of the hive have learned to control all the movements of insects, animals and reptiles that take place in front of the hive, they react to all the movements by detecting the air for any odors or pheromones that can be alarm signals of other bees or adjacent bee-guards. The following is an example of a human approaching a hive. The warning stage. 
The guard bees react to the external stimulus they receive by taking a position where their body is initially raised on their hind legs, their mouths open and their antennae stretched forward to receive the signals that will give them the occasion for next move (this attitude is also for wasps). The closer the man gets, then the guard bees accept the stimulus as strong and this is clear because the guard bees lift their bellies sometimes sometimes with their sting protruding, their antennae curved and their wings fluttering vigorously. .
The stage of activation. 
The biggest stimulus is that the guard bee activates the whole hive, motivating other bees to act as guards. This is achieved by entering and leaving the hive, with the hood cover raised and from the hive that is now visible, it releases an alarm pheromone which spreads throughout the hive. With the ventilation that suffers from the very intense, and for this purpose, shaking of its wings, the middle-aged bees are now put in a state of emergency and start from all parts of the hive that are leading to its exit. Arriving there, they also begin to take the specific position with the belly up and the sting out, but they still do not know either the direction they have to follow to attack or their enemy.
The stage of bullying or the first attack. 
The guard bee investigates the source of the specific stimuli it received and which became the cause of all the disturbance. She is the first to take off and attack, often to intimidate or to impress. The man who sees the bee flying around with a loud hum and approaching very close to his body and face tries to avoid it by waving his hands. At the same time, out of fear, he begins to produce without realizing it from the pores of his body very small amounts of sweat that evaporates, acting as a pheromone. This pheromone infuriates the guard bee the most and things get to the last stage which is:
The stage of general attack. 
The guard bee makes its body develop the speed it needs by leaving the appropriate amount of pheromone that will lead other bees to the point where it eventually attacks and nails its sting. This is what happens when, in an area of ​​one palm, many bees sting us together. The attack itself is most often done on the scalp. The bee that attacks first gets tangled in the hair and tries to get to the point that will allow it to nail its sting. She pulls some hairs strongly making a loud buzz with her wings and constantly pushes her belly to tease. At this point the man is terrified and panicked starts and makes abrupt and violent movements to remove the bee from his hair,
All of the above steps can be avoided if we properly inform people about what is happening to bees. Ignorance causes awe, fear, bees are not our enemies. All breeds of European bees are by nature tame, they do not spawn for no reason, in order to do this some conditions of their normal living are definitely changed. These changes may be due to environmental factors that directly affect them, the change of temperature between day and night, or the intensity of light, or the humidity of the atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure and its electric potential, the magnetic and electric field of the site. Other factors are the lack of food and water in the location where there are bees makes the bees aggressive. Crowding in the hive and looting make the bees aggressive. Also the spraying with pesticides, insecticides in neighboring areas and adjacent lands, make the bees aggressive and very dangerous. Heredity plays an important role in a bee's aggression. The beekeeper realizes this and quickly changes queen from another quiet beehive.

Local reaction from bee sting. 
-After the bite of bees or some other insects, ants, wasps etc. There are some reactions from the poison that enters our body. These reactions are generally divided into two types. In this article we describe the local reaction.
-The local reaction is characterized by pain, swelling, redness, itching and skin burning on the skin around the wound caused by the bee sting.
Swelling sometimes may not be present or may stop abruptly.
-If you are bitten on the fingers, the hand may sometimes swell above the elbow, this should not worry you because swelling in the bites is a common feature.
-A normal swelling of a bee or wasp sting can last 2-3 days, on days when the spot is swollen, both at the spur point and around the wound it will itch sweetly and you will want to scratch it, no is there a problem.
-However, in some reactions there are indications that at the point or in other places and in addition in the whole area in which the sting took place, it happens that the swelling starts.
- If a bee or a wasp or other insect bites your left hand and your right hand or throat starts to swell, then you need immediate medical attention.
-The majority of people who receive bee stings because they endure the pain and are not worried about the swelling that happens to them take these symptoms not very seriously and only worry when their mouth or larynx as well as the airway are blocked.
-Many people around the world continue to believe that if there is only swelling they are not in danger, of course they take a risk for their lives when they are teased by bees.
How to relieve 
- Swelling is reduced as well as itchy skin if we use an antihistamine cream or medicine.
-Applying with special topical solutions of creams and lotions help and soothe the pain at the point of spur.
Consumption of large amounts of water is very beneficial for the body.

Allergic shock 
You may be allergic to bee stings. When this happens to you then you immediately and necessarily need medical care, but try as much as you can not to panic.
Panic increases the intensity of allergic shock in the body.
Allergic shock can occur in anyone and can occur with the following symptoms:
1. Pimples or blisters with fluid locally around the sore wound or even all over the body. 
2. Cramps in the stomach and a knot that goes up and down the neck. 
3. Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. 
4. Severe headache or dizziness or vertigo. 
5. Shortness of breath or bloating. 
Swelling of the larynx of the throat or even the tongue. 
7. Suddenly great commotion. 
8. Drop in blood pressure, hypotension. 
9. In some people, allergic shock occurs within seconds of a bee sting with severe itching in the armpits, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, genital area, anus and continues throughout the body. 

-Before one or more of the above symptoms are detected and seek urgent medical help and care,  find and remove the center from our skin immediately.
-The above symptoms can start immediately with the spawning of the bee or after 30-40 minutes and last for hours. Inability to breathe or anaphylaxis occurs immediately after the sting.
-People who know they are allergic to the stings of various insects, bring with them an injection in a normal syringe with adrenaline (epinephrine), it is called epinephrine because it is produced in the adrenal glands of our body.
-There is an injection specific for allergy sufferers that sensitive people should always have with them, it is called (EPI-PEN), it is given with a prescription from an allergist or physician. The box containing this special syringe describes in detail the instructions for use. The injection of adrenaline in the body from the above injection or the taking of antihistamine pills or cortisone should not reassure us, definitely an immediate transfer to the nearest Health Center or Hospital.
-Every beekeeper must have every time he goes to his beehives a small collection of cotton, alcohol, antihistamine ointment, some cortisone pills especially for allergy sufferers and if it is possible to get the above injection even better. Of course, it must be in a special plastic bag with ice packs, because due to the very heat in the car during the summer months, the medicines are altered.

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