Make your own fat dissolving cream 6 recipes and Video

The "unrecognizable" is the only sure result, but for the mood, as all these proposals bombard us every day, putting more and more pressureon the psychology of women and men, who are worried about their body image. The media and the advertising sector have undoubtedly contributed to a great extent to the creation of negative thinking around the body, constantly projecting happy people, with the perfect family, the perfect house, the perfect car and of course the perfect look. Society thus combines appearance with success, ability and prestige, adding another psychological weight to the already difficult daily life.

To these is added the slimming industry. Slimming creams, fat dissolvers, meal replacements, diuretics, slimming coffees etc. Different products with an audience: they create more expectations than they can meet. Losing weight is a difficult process and becomes more stressful and stressful when the person is affected by the hopes for rapid weight loss. Let's look at some of these preparations and how they work.

Slimming creams:The ads often mention the many points lost by applying the cream, which works even while you sleep! Doesn't that sound easy? We burn fat without shaking. But these creams can not really penetrate to such a depth that they "burn" fat. Some cause local hyperemia, which has not been found to be associated with any effect on body fat.

Lipotropic aids:They rely mainly on CLA, which is an unnecessary fatty acid and is thought to increase fat breakdown and fat use for energy production. Research has shown a slight reduction in body weight and an even smaller reduction in body fat. In particular, weight is given to the recommendations that complement the preparations and relate to a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Slimming coffee:It contains ingredients such as green tea, inulin and ingredients or herbs that are considered to be fat-binding and high in fiber. Fiber in combination with fluid intake, leads to a feeling of satiety. Green tea, due to the catechins it contains, boosts the metabolism, but this boost seems to be small. In combination with caffeine it has some of the above effects, but it is characterized as moderate. The preparation is accompanied by the recommendation for a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Meal substitutes: They give around 200-230 kcal per drink and are recommended as a substitute for 2 meals a day. They rely on a lot of fiber, which creates satiety.

Diuretics:They are based on fluid loss and require care and use by a physician.

There are many "aids" on the market that promise miracles. But if you look closely, you will see that the miracle comes from a balanced diet and the inclusion of regular physical activity. One cannot rely on a pill without first learning the value of a balanced diet in order to follow it for life. The "quick fix" methods can lead you to lose a few pounds, which in a large percentage you will re-employ because you have not learned the most important ... how to eat!

Before you buy a slimming product, think carefully about why you are buying it. If you want effective weight loss, slowly and steadily without re-absorbing it, focusing on food stress, enhancing your body care and better quality of life, the solution is small changes through proper training.

Love your body and take care of it. After all, it is our "apartment" and we need it strong. Give him the necessary ingredients for this ... healthy diet and exercise. The small changes in your diet, in your thinking about food and in your daily life, with the advice and guidance of your dietitian, are the ones that can change your psychology and ultimately your life. 
Tsakou Eva  Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist

1. Pepper oil that burns fat  June 19, 2012
The beach is calling you and you do not know what to do to get rid of the extra pounds that you put on in winter and which were stored in the buttocks and abdomen? Make your own fat-based oil-based oil.

You will need:
  • 250 grams of olive oil
  • 1/2 glass of wine black pepper powder and 1/2 glass of wine in beans
  • 1/2 glass of wine green pepper powder and 1/2 glass of wine in beans
  • 1/2 glass of wine red pepper powder and 1/2 glass of wine in beans
  • 1/2 glass of pink pepper powder and 1/2 glass of wine in beans
Method of preparation:
Take a glass bottle that closes with a lid or cap and discard all the ingredients, but be careful not to remove the peppers until the mixture is finished. The cap will make your oil retain all its scents and the spark of the peppers will not cool down.
How to apply:
It will be good to use it daily after your bath, first shaking the bottle and then applying and gently massaging. Leave it on your skin for as long as you can, even when you are doing chores or getting ready to go to the gym.

Caution !!!  read and agree to the  Terms of Use  of the Website, the information published relates to links to books and Isotopes for herbs and nutrition available on the internet we are neither responsible nor recommend their use, please contact the relevant Doctors and their authors for more information books and articles. And especially in serious health issues, get immediate instructions  EXCLUSIVELY AND ONLY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR  who is the only one who can judge how the medication should be combined  with the diet .
In any case,  before you decide to try any alternative method of fighting an illness / disease, it is wise to first contact your * personal (* therapist) doctor, who will advise you accordingly.
Caution!!!  do not use any herb or oil to which you are allergic. While you should never exceed -dosages (consult only Specialist).
Caution !!!  in  pregnancy  and  lactation  before the use of herbs get immediate instructions exclusively from your gynecologist.

2. Flat belly with   homemade body wrap body lotion
Summer has arrived and you are still struggling to lose extra pounds from the belly area? It is never too late to achieve this! Make this simple but miraculous body wrap yourself and lose 1.5 cm from your waistline overnight.

Body lotion ***

  • Or a glass of hazelnut oil
  • 2 tbsp chopped olive leaves
  • 1 tbsp raisins, 1 boiled chestnut
  • 1 kg red wine
  • 10 drops of each essential oil: thyme
  • 10 drops of each essential oil: cypress
  • 10 drops of each essential oil: camphor

Put the ingredients in the blender and beat until a homogeneous mixture is created. Leave it for a week in a jar and then strain it with a gauze. Pour the oil into a bottle. Lasts up to 3 months.

Way of use
Take a hot shower and use a natural sponge. Then massage your body in a circular motion, using a gentle shower gel to induce hyperemia. Wipe well with a towel and spread the product on all parts of the body that show local fat, until it is absorbed. Finally, wear warm leggings and cover with a blanket for 30 minutes. Take a second bath to remove the oil from your skin. Wipe well with a towel and apply the body mask we recommend to you.

3. body wrap  You will need:
  • - Body lotion ***
  • - Wrapping membrane
  • - Bandage
Step 1:
Apply a thick layer of lotion to the area you want to focus on (stomach, thighs, arms and generally where needed).
Step 2:
Wrap the whole area a few times with plastic wrap. Make the applicator but not tight, otherwise you will sleep all night and you should feel comfortable.
Step 3:
Wrap the entire area with the bandage or something that will stabilize the membrane so that it stays in place. Cover the entire surface of the film.
Step 4:
You can now lie down and νει sweet dreams!

The logic of the above process is based on the fact that it helps your body release water that is retained due to weather conditions, food consumption, and even visits to επισκέ Mother Nature. The combination of lotion and plastic helps to get it out.

4. Body mask
  • 1 glass of distilled water,
  • 1kg green clay, ½ kg salt
  • 10 drops of iodine tincture
  • 2 tbsp seaweed vesicles
Beat the salt with the seaweed in a mortar, until they become like powder. Then add the clay and mix. Heat the distilled water without boiling (about 45 C). Pour the mixture into the water and mix until a thick emulsion is formed.

Way of use
Dip one foot into warm paraffin 3 times, pausing between layers to allow them to dry. Then wrap in plastic wrap and cover with a blanket for 10-15 minutes. Take a shower and apply on your body moisturizer or essential oil oil that we recommend.

Caution !!! Avoid using the body mask if you are pregnant or have a thyroid disease due to the iodine and algae it contains. Make sure you read the original warning message !!!


Posted on 19 Mar 2012 DOWN the video has fallen
The famous beautician Dimitra Goula shows how to make yourself a heating spice peeling against cellulite based on black pepper, paprika and cinnamon, as well as a detoxifying oil against cellulite and of local fat at ANT1 Breakfast with Christos Ferentinos and Sissy Christidou
Oil detox materials
  • Olive oil
  • cinnamon stick
  • Rosemary essential oil
Heating peeling materials
  • Black pepper
  • Paprika (hot)
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Cinnamon powder
------------------ NEW ----------------------
Natural sponge with coffee and ginger against cellulite
  • 1 Ben Marin
  • Silicone cases
  • 200 gr. Glycerin soap
  • 2 tbsp. ginger
  • 2 tbsp. french coffee
  • A piece of Natural Sponge - Loofah
  • 60 drops Room Grape fruit oil
 Natural anti-cellulite oil with rosemary and grapefruit
  • 100 ml of almond oil
  • 20 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 20 drops Grapefruit essential oil

6. Fat-dissolving body mask!

D. Gianniotis shows how to make a fat-dissolving body mask for sleep!
Date Posted: Monday 13-04-2015
Duration: 00:10:36 - Available until: 01-01-2036

7. Anti-cellulite cream with coffee
According to research, caffeine-containing creams are the new weapon for women to fight cellulite.
There is a way if you do not want to spend, to make your own anti-cellulite cream with coffee.

Homemade anti-cellulite cream with coffee is fat-soluble and antioxidant, factors that help fight cellulite.

The way of its preparation is very easy and the ingredients are definitely in our house!

For the anti-cellulite cream with coffee we will need
  • The dregs of a cup of Greek coffee
  • Or a cup of olive oil, or almond oil or 20ml 
  • Body cream (whichever you have available)
After enjoying our Greek coffee, we keep the dregs to use in the cream. (Now if you do not drink Greek coffee what can I say about it… get your grandmother's coffee!)

Instructions for preparing the anti-cellulite cream with coffee
Mix the Greek coffee grounds with what we have chosen, ie with either the olive oil, or the almond oil or the body cream.
Before applying the anti-cellulite cream with coffee, it will help to precede a peeling in the places where we find the problem of cellulite strongly.
After peeling and on dry skin, apply the anti-cellulite cream in circular motions. Massage for 2-3 minutes with circular and upward movements. Then wrap with elastic film (cooking cellophane) the parts of the body where we have put the anti-cellulite cream and wait for 15 minutes (well, do not stand like that for 15 minutes, you can do whatever you want! Of course whatever you want inside of the house!)
Finally, rinse the cream with lukewarm water and we are ready!

Extra tip:  We present you a  morning  drink that will help dissolve and eliminate excess fat, will activate the metabolism, burn more calories with strong antioxidant and fat-dissolving action. Make sure you read the original warning message !!! Drink: The natural "grandma fat burner" with honey, cinnamon and lemon

There are many fat burners on the market that promise fat and weight loss. If you want to lose weight in a more natural and economical way, try the delicious drink made of honey , cinnamon and lemon, which consists of 3 powerful antioxidants of nature. It will definitely remind you of good old memories. We remember this taste from our grandmother.

Information: Honey contains vitamins, minerals, improves the function of the digestive system and helps to dissolve and eliminate excess fat from the body. Cinnamon activates the metabolism, burns more calories and reduces bloating. Finally, lemon has a strong antioxidant and fat-dissolving effect.

How to make it:  To make the drink you will need:
  • 1 teaspoon honey (organic preferably),
  • some fresh lemon juice,
  • cinnamon powder in the tip of the spoon
  • 1 glass of boiling water
Dissolve the cinnamon in hot water and wait a while until it cools down. Then add the honey and lemon and mix well.
For best results, drink a glass before breakfast to increase the body's burning during the day.

Slimming Cocktail Tea.

The drink we suggest today will help you not only to lose weight but also to avoid fluid retention in your body.
In equal amounts make a mixture of:

  • - Louise
  • - Mint
  • - Green tea
  • - Birch
  • - Nettle
Strain a little from the blender and store them all together (mixture) in an airtight container.

In a saucepan or kettle add water and wait until it boils. Once it boils, remove from the heat, add 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture (for every 1 cup of water), wait 10 'and drain well.

Dosage: 3 cups / day or In 1 liter of water pour 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture, soak it for 10 'in hot water and drink it during the day as water. You can put ice cubes and cinnamon sticks and enjoy it pleasantly on hot summer days.
This decoction moisturizes the skin, helps eliminate toxins and excess fluid, reduces cellulite, increases burns and contributes to weight loss.

It is important to know the basics about diets: read them  here  ➤ 


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Caution: The informations contained on this blog is provided for general and educational purposes only and must never be considered a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical professional. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription medicines, are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals before beginning any nutrition or lifestyle programme. This blog does not take responsibility for possible health consequences for any person following the information in the educational content. The information contained on this blog are from Websites, articles, books that exist on the internet we are not responsible and do not recommend their use, please for more information contact the competent Doctors, and the authors of the books or articles.
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