How to Make Oregano Oil is the Most Powerful Antibiotic

Designed specifically for bacterial infections, antibiotics are the most common solution for doctors in most cases. But the benefits of oregano oil prove to be greater than some antibiotics, without the harmful side effects.Unfortunately, the antibiotics prescribed by doctors have frightening side effects, which include: antibiotic resistance, the destruction of beneficial bacteria (probiotics), the reduction of vitamin absorption and damage to the membrane of the digestive system causing the syndrome.

The medical community's concern about antibiotic resistance has become increasingly strong, prompting them to advise on the use of antibiotics only in case of real need.

Fortunately for us, nature loves balance and has alternatives to offer oregano with properties:
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidants
  • therapeutic
  • healing
  • tonics
  • digestive
  • sweating
  • antitussives
  • antidiarrheal
  • antiseptics
  • antiphysical
  • emmenagogue
  • antihemorrhagic
  • diuretics
  • anti-carcinogens

The wild oregano, which is rich in minerals,  calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, manganese, and vitamins C and D .
Greek wild oregano is known in every corner of the globe, as most people have known its healing properties for centuries.

Oregano oil is considered by some to be the best natural antibiotic.

Oregano oil, experts say, is an excellent essential oil, capable of fighting a wide range of germs, fungi, bacteria and viruses of all kinds. At the top of all essential oils is the oil of wild Greek oregano which has powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-cancer properties in some cancers.

Destroys organisms that contribute to the development of skin infections and digestive problems. 
Strengthens the immune system. Increases muscle connection and flexibility. Improves respiratory health.

It is a powerful antibiotic in itself and can help us deal with various respiratory, digestive, genital infections such as prostatitis in men and urinary tract infections in women who are particularly sensitive during the summer months, "the botanist told APE-MPE. Alkis Grigoriadis.

It acts directly against allergies, various forms of viruses, intestinal and digestive problems, spastic colitis, bloating, acne, arthritis, muscle and tendon pain, back pain, gum problems such as gingivitis, eczema, psoriasis, tingling insects, herpes and nail fungus. "Research shows that it has an effective effect in reducing sugar, while in a recent study by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, oregano oil showed a very strong antioxidant effect in the oxidation of serum lipoproteins," he points out.

Oregano essential oil can also be used externally, always diluted in olive oil: one dose of oregano oil with 5 doses of base oil. "Greek oregano is the only one that has the right composition. It also has absolutely nothing to do with oregano oil "notes Mr. Grigoriadis, pointing out that in recent years there have been livestock and veterinary preparations based on oregano essential oil with results comparable to conventional ones.


Oregano oil is rich in phenols, which are natural phytochemicals with beneficial antioxidant effects. Its 2 basic phenols are:

  • Thymol  - A natural fungicide with antiseptic properties. Helps strengthen the immune system, acts as a shield against toxins. It also helps prevent tissue damage and wound healing.
  • Carvacrol  - Carvacrol is a substance with antioxidant properties and has anti-cancer and anti-platelet effects. Also found to be effective against various bacterial infections, including the  Candida  (Candida albicans), staphylococcus, the bacterium E. coli, Campylobacter, salmonella, the bacterium  Klebsiella , the fungus  aspergillus , the gardiasi, Pseudomonas, and the bacterium of listeria. 
  • Terpenes  - known for their strong antibacterial properties.
  • Rosemary acid  - an antioxidant that prevents damage caused by free radicals and helps treat  allergic asthma ,  prevent cancer  and  atherosclerosis . It also works as a  natural antihistamine  that helps reduce fluid accumulation and swelling caused by allergies.
  • Naringin  -  inhibits the growth of cancer cells  and helps boost the antioxidants of oregano oil.
  • B-Caryophyllin (E-BCP)  - this substance inhibits inflammation and is also beneficial for osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, as well as for metabolic syndrome. 

Nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, boron, and niacin are found in oregano oil.


The distillation of oregano oil requires a special process. However, there is a simple way to make your own oregano oil at home. If you want to make your own oregano oil follow the steps below.

  • 1 part oregano leaves, finely chopped or crushed
  • 3 parts olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil
  • Sterile jar with lid
  1. Boil a little water in a saucepan. Once it starts to boil, turn off the heat.
  2. Place the 0.3 virgin olive oil and the chopped oregano leaves in the jar.
  3. Put the jar in hot water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. This will heat the oil and release its natural oils.
  4. Remove the container from the water and place it next to a sunny window for one to two weeks. Shake the jar well every 2-3 days.
  5. Once 2 weeks have passed, drain the oil (to remove the leaves) and place in a sterile jar. Store the oil in a dark, cool place.


Fighting Infections
Research has shown that oregano oil has the ability to fight many infections, such as aspergillus fungus, staph, vaginal infections and more. According to the US Department of Agriculture , oregano is strong enough to fight even salmonella or the E. coli bacterium. The Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Georgetown Medical Center confirmed the results of this study.

Protection against harmful organisms
With the help of oregano oil, many organisms that enter our body through cooked meat or unfiltered water, can be removed. Within six weeks of consuming oregano oil, the organisms will disappear. The use of oregano oil can prevent the spread of parasitic organisms, both inside and outside the body. These pests include: the flatworm, lice, fleas, mosquitoes and more.

Enhance digestion
The digestive tract is one of the most important parts of the body. When the digestive system does not work properly, then our health will not be good for long. Without proper digestion, food will begin to decompose in the digestive tract. Oregano oil is famous for its ability to delay the decomposition of food, due to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antioxidant capacity.

As an emergency medicine
Oregano oil is an excellent emergency medicine as it can help a variety of ailments such as bladder problems, bleeding, heart failure, headache, itchy skin, mouth pain, stomachache, intestinal parasites and. These methods were presented in the book Garden of Health (1633).

How to use oregano oil:

Ways of using the oil:
  • For  colds  and  sore throats,  pour up to three drops in a glass of water or natural orange juice  
  • For conjunctivitis and  skin problems  ( herpes , fungal infections, rashes, abscesses) mix two drops of oregano essential oil with 2 teaspoons of  olive oil . 
  • For  indigestion,  put one to two drops of oil in a glass of water. 
  • To prevent one drop per glass of water,  tea ,  juice ,  milk  or one drop in a tablespoon of olive oil for easier intake. 
  • To treat  lung  and  respiratory  problems, inhale from the bottle of oregano oil or you can place a drop of oregano oil on a handkerchief and put it under your pillow. 
  • Oregano oil has similar effects to  anti-inflammatory  drugs (relieving pain and  inflammation  and is almost as potent as morphine). 
Not recommended during pregnancy and for people with  iron deficiency .
oregano oil the strongest antiseptic of nature 
* as the strongest antiseptic of nature so we use it where we need sterilization
* one or two drops of
oregano essential oil in the jug with  water  kills all pathogens that may contain water

* clots with oregano infusion or oregano diluted in oil reduce dental plaque and cure any gum disease
* Oregano inhalations help cure breast diseases 
* Pour a teaspoon of  oregano  in a pan with hot water and after ten minutes strain it and drink it hot with  honey  for all breast problems
* for acne, a drop of oregano oil in a teaspoon of olive oil and apply on the affected area
* for skin problems such as
a general ratio is a teaspoon of oregano oil for two teaspoons of olive oil  and we  always watch out for any allergies
In addition
Oregano essential oil can also be used externally, always diluted in olive oil: one dose of oregano oil with 5 doses of base oil (olive oil). For internal use: Dilute the oil (1 drop of oregano oil with 1 drop of olive oil) and put it under your tongue. Hold it for 10 minutes and then rinse your mouth. Repeat at least 4 times a day. Alternatively you can dissolve a drop of oregano oil in a glass of water or juice and drink it. The treatment can last up to 2 weeks.

Boil water in a saucepan and add 2-3 drops of oregano oil. You can also put a drop of oregano oil on a napkin and place it under your pillow.

Oregano oil is a completely natural product, however, there are some things you need to know about its use.

First of all, it is not recommended for use by pregnant women, as it can help increase blood flow to the uterus, which in turn can weaken the wall, which surrounds the fetus inside the uterus.

Oregano oil can also reduce your body's ability to absorb iron. Consult your doctor if you intend to use it frequently, as it may suggest that you take an iron supplement at the same time.

Finally, if you are allergic to other herbs such as basil, sage or thyme, then you may also be sensitive to oregano, because they all come from the same family of plants. Consult your doctor if you experience skin irritation or vomiting when starting to use oregano oil.

Research studies

Antibacterial properties
According to research from Georgetown UniversityThe essential oils and constituents of thymol and carvacrol can help inhibit the growth of many bacteria and fungi, including those that cause foodborne infections. The study showed that oregano kills germs in much the same way as antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin and vancomycin. In addition, oregano oil inhibits the growth of yeast, including candida albicans, which can cause vaginitis or oral infections.

Anti-cancer properties
A study from the University of Long Island (Long Island University) shows that one of its ingredients could potentially be used to treat prostate cancer.
Professor Suprija Bavandekar of Long Island University examines carvacrol, an ingredient in oregano, in prostate cancer cells. The results so far show apoptosis in these cells. The mechanism of apoptosis is what the professor calls "cell suicide" or the natural pathway that cells take to a planned death, in the process of which the cell shrinks and degrades. The research team is now trying to determine exactly how the substance causes cell apoptosis. 
Other uses-Contraindications Below are all the recorded uses of oregano. We use it internally:

  • in the form of infusions for hypertension and atherosclerosis
  • in the form of infusions for intestinal atony
  • in the form of infusions for appetite and to facilitate digestion
  • in the form of infusions as a sedative for the nervous system
  • in the form of infusions for gynecological diseases eg as an emmenagogue in painful menstruation or in menopause
  • for acute and chronic bronchitis as a expectorant for cough
  • to improve our immune system
  • for pneumonia 
  • for shortness of breath and tuberculosis of the lungs
  • for the flu 
  • for the common cold
  • for cough 
  • for sore throat-due to its healing and healing properties we use oregano in the form of gargle for inflammations and ulcers of the oral cavity and tonsils
  • for sinusitis 
  • for acne
  • for eczema 
  • for allergies
  • for asthma
  • for herpes
  • for psoriasis 
  • for arthritis
  • for autoimmune disorders
  • for bad breath
  • for bladder infections
  • for Candida infections
  • for colitis
  • for Crohn's disease
  • for dengue fever
  • for earache
  • for fatigue
  • for food poisoning
  • for gastritis
  • for its beneficial (antispasmodic, antidiarrheal) action in intestinal diseases and in cases accompanied by constipation and bloating 
  • for spastic pains in the stomach and intestines, in diseases of the intestines and bile ducts
  • for indigestion
  • for irritable bowel syndrome
  • for kidney infection
  • for prostate disorders
  • for urinary tract infections 
  • with the first symptoms of a cold or flu we do not forget to put a few drops of oregano oil on a tissue or a little cotton which we put next to our pillow to help decongest the nose
We use oregano externally in the form of patches or washes or in the form of oil for:
  • acne
  • cuts
  • bruises
  • phlebitis
  • arthritis
  • Burns
  • muscle and tendon pain 
  • pain on the back
  • headaches
  • toothache
  • gum problems
  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • our well-known athlete's foot
  • ants
  • insect bites
  • herpes
  • dandruff
  • seborrhea
  • skin wounds
  • can be washed with oregano infusion
  • wounds
  • eczema
  • itchy areas
  • monks and
  • purulent pimples
Especially useful for the summer is the oregano emulsion used for organic spraying of plants and fruit trees in the yard and garden.

The two main substances that give oregano its antiseptic properties are carvacrol and thymol. However, it is important that their ratio is at the right level, ie high content of carvacrol and low thymol, which in large doses is toxic.

At the same time, oregano contains a derivative of it, rosmarinic acid, with a very strong antioxidant character.

Note that oregano oil is an edible essential oil and its dosage is one drop in a little water or a cup of tea or juice or for even easier intake in a tablespoon of olive oil 2-3 times a day.

For long-term use of the oil it is recommended to take alternately at intervals of 15 days a break of one week.

However, it should not be given to pregnant women, and for people with iron deficiency it is recommended two hours before or after meals.

* The information contained in is informative. Always consult a specialist before applying any information. The use of what is mentioned is your sole responsibility.


What will happen to your body if you drink oregano oil -

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