How to fight cockroach and cockroach chemical and natural methods

  How to fight the cockroach and the small cockroach

Cockroaches live in warm, humid, cool and dark environments, in tropical and subtropical regions.
Only a few species of cockroach prefer the urban environment - but they are enough to cause problems, but also pose a risk to public health, as they carry many pathogenic microorganisms.

CAUTION !!! Consult a specialist before using various preparations, some of which may be UNSUITABLE in homes with children and pets !!!

Cockroaches prefer to feed on sugar, starch or even fat, but in… great famines they survive on paper, clothes, wood or other small insects! They dislike sunlight, which is why they appear mainly at night in search of food, while they frequent mainly under the sink cabinets, behind the sink cabinets in the kitchen or under large appliances.

Decontamination! The disinfection of the houses already in the middle of Spring but also at the beginning of Autumn is more than necessary, in order to deal to a large extent with the cockroaches, as well as other insects and rodents. "In the houses we meet mainly 3 species of cockroach: The big cockroaches that fly and enter from the balconies, the big ones that do not step and enter through wells and drains and the small cockroach that passes through every possible crevice of the house. 
When disinfecting an apartment building, the main well is cleaned, so that cockroaches do not pass through, while there is the possibility (if requested by the tenants) to disinfect each apartment separately. In this disinfection, a special insecticide gel is placed in the cupboards, while the balconies and the siphons are sprayed ". For cockroaches that fly, only screens can protect. Insecticides typically used by disinfection companies are non-toxic, completely harmless to children and pets. After disinfection in the apartment do not mop for a few days to prevent the drug from leaving. The frequency of disinfection in an apartment building does not need to exceed 2 times a year (Spring and Autumn), while both of these times the apartments can be disinfected. The cost of disinfection ranges from 40-80 euros for an apartment building and an additional 3-5 euros for each apartment.

How to fight the small cockroach (Small cockroaches) This cockroach is smaller than other species and hides more easily in cracks and crevices avoiding human presence and is usually noticed during the night. For this reason, the control of cockroaches of this species is done by applying baits in the form of gel in targeted areas of the home or business (especially in areas that provide high temperature and humidity ) in combination with suitable non-irritating insecticides to achieve the maximum and fastest result.

Beware, the use of commercial insecticides makes it difficult to control this species as only a small part of their population comes out of the nest. The rest stays in the nest and is practically invulnerable to commercial insecticides. Only the use of baits and special insecticides is effective in treating them. Commercial insecticides have an irritating-repellent effect while the above are attractive or neutral and can not be combined with each other.
How to fight the cockroach and the small cockroach

An ecological solution is baking soda (the one that is white powder), with which they eat it in a short time, their stomach "explodes" and it is completely safe for humans, the secret is 50% soda, mixed with 50% sugar powder (they look amazing - mix them with a spoon in a bowl or mug) and put from a teaspoon in 

How to fight the cockroach and the small cockroach

passages or near their nests, icing sugar is an invincible delicacy for all insects (cockroaches / ants / etc) and along with the icing they will eat soda. The next day all the reptiles in the house will die of severe stomachache. Even the most resilient-big ones, wander around like drunk for a few hours but do not avoid the fatal. try it is cheap, ecological, safe but most importantly it is effective. In the months of May / June / July every 15 days to replenish the mixture to be sure that newcomers will eat it. In August, despite the heat, for some reason they start slowly and disappear on their own.
How to fight the cockroach and the small cockroach
Soda, the magic In addition to a strong cleanser, it effectively repels cockroaches. So make your own homemade insecticide by mixing baking soda with powdered sugar. Then put the mixture on lettuce leaves and place them on all possible raids. Although these two substances are deadly to cockroaches, little Teresa and her friends have a hard time resisting this fatal treat.

Other ecological solutions
  • In addition to the chemical solution of sprays, I think we should prefer natural methods to eliminate these crocodiles. These natural methods are cheap and easy to apply and you can easily get the ingredients at home. As chemicals are prayed they are very expensive and have side effects on human health, while the natural method has no side effects. You can use lemon juice to get rid of cockroaches. Squeeze the lemon and add 100% lemon juice to the spray can and spray them in areas that are difficult to reach and cockroaches live in that area and have made a nest there. Perform this procedure daily. This will help you kill the cockroaches and get rid of these cockroaches from your home.
  • Coffee grounds are the best home remedy you can use to get rid of these roaches. You just need to have coffee grounds, water and container. Mix coffee grounds into water and then split it over the roaches. This will kill the roaches within a few minutes. This simple home remedy will eventually help you to get rid of these roaches.
  • Cucumber peel trap   (See video) Take an aluminum can and place some cucumber peels or pieces in it. Leave it overnight. Cucumber juices will react with the aluminum in the box and will produce an odor that cockroaches can not stand.
  • Soap solution: You can use regular bath soap to get rid of cockroaches. Prepare a mixture of soap and water (with enough soap) and spray with it directly on them. Most will die immediately, because the solution closes the pores with which they breathe.
  • Boric acid: ATTENTION !!! DANGEROUS !!! Consult a specialist It is a common way of homemade bait to kill cockroaches. Mix one part boric acid powder with one part white flour and one part sugar. Mix well until you make a paste that will look like dough. Place balls of this dough in various parts of the house where you have noticed that they are often visited. The flour and sugar in the mixture will attract the cockroaches and the boric acid will kill them. see more at
  • White vinegar  (spraying or mopping)
  • Peppermint oil  repellent (See in the video)
  • Pepper, garlic and onion : Make a mixture of a tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder, a clove of garlic and a melted onion in a liter of water. Let it stand for an hour. Add a tablespoon of liquid soap to this mixture and apply it to all areas of your home where cockroaches frequent. The smell of the mixture will make them flee.
  • Laurel leaves  repellent spray: Bay leaves are aromatic leaves used mainly in Indian cooking. They have a spicy but nice aroma. You can place powdered (dried) bay leaves near the nest and in other areas where cockroaches are common. The smell will make the cockroaches spot and the cockroaches will prefer to move away from your home without having to kill them.
  • Diatomaceous earth  (dusting in the passages. It also works for cockroaches)



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