Oil to enhance hearing from olive oil and garlic ??? Truth or lie


A natural recipe for enhancing hearing consisted of garlic and olive oil. If it is true or false, it will show that it is a mess anyway, watch the video and the translation.


Hearing aids are not the perfect solution

  • Hearing aids are expensive

    The cost of such a device amounts to 500 up to 3 thousand euros and the costs do not stop here. They also need batteries where their annual cost is over 100 euros! Even if one has this money, one will not avoid other disadvantages of this device.
  • They cause shame and discomfort

    Those who wear hearing aids suffer because they are treated as people with disabilities. They feel sad when people on their way watch with pity "What is it that hangs from his ear?".
  • They produce an annoying whistle

    People who wear hearing aids complain about the poor quality of the sound they hear. The device produces annoying whistles, which cause irritation and stress.
  • They are the cause of infections that aggravate hearing loss

    Fungi often develop in the device that cause serious ear infections. These, in turn, further damage hearing ability.
  • They only amplify the sound when placed in the ear

    The appliance must be removed before coming into contact with water e.g. before the bath. It is also removed during the night. It does not provide permanent hearing recovery.
The text of the recipe translated from Spanish with automatic translation by Google 

Apply 3 drops three times a day Increase your hearing by 90% with this powerful Home Remedy home remedy

Do you have a hearing loss? Say goodbye to bunnies, This is the natural treatment that gives you back your hearing and increases it to 90%: This treatment is completely natural, so it does not pose a risk to your health. You need the following to prepare this medicine * Three cloves of garlic * A bottle of olive oil * A * Cotton dropper or gauze Preparation: Take the cloves of garlic and proceed to peel them, remember to wash them very well. Now proceed to the pan with the olive oil to extract all the liquid you have. Now use this juice that you have removed and place it on the dropper.This substance that you achieved after this procedure should be left to rest all day, this way it will have a better effect when you use it. How to use Proceed to apply two or three drops to each of your ears, you must place the cotton or gauze in the hole to block the outflow of the same liquid. You can apply this procedure 3 times a day and you will slowly regain your insurance hearing.

- In this health channel "Recipes and Home Remedies" you will find natural remedies of herbs and natural medicine to maintain health and enjoy the good life. In addition to easy recipes, healthy recipes, homemade natural remedies and easy cooking recipes, you can make healthy meals and have a healthy life. Because health is important, in this natural healing channel we will share everything about home remedies, health tips, beauty data and natural things to stay healthy in the world of health. Remember!health is the first good health and good life!

Interesting Comments
Silvana Coello Modenesi 1 year ago
a family member has severe hearing loss can help this treatment and I understand that about the smallest extra virgin olive oil the bottle garlic is placed and left to stand for 24 hours and then dripping oil ready 4 drops are placed and the cover with cotton for better absorption. If you want to register, please answer my question first and make this therapy and according to the results register to give references 
Dosage: translating I found this:

This I found in the translation 3 garlic candies says now the olive oil that has in the bowl "parapamo" of 200 ml I do not cut it to be, it does not clarify it completely !!!

We also found the following record:

Olive oil has been suggested by many herbalists as one of the best choices and as the purest basis for the treatment of ear infections.

For garlic oil you will need only 2 ingredients:

A few cloves of garlic
Olive oil


- Peel the garlic and mash it, then put it in a jar and add olive oil.
- Close the jar tightly and leave it for at least a day in a shady place.
- Once the 24 hour period has elapsed, strain the mixture well and keep the oil.
- You should store it in a dark and shady place away from the sun.

Garlic oil is ready, an easy process that will not be difficult at all.


Put a few drops of the oil on the ear that has the problem and stay in this position for about 5 minutes.

Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

Although in most cases the use of oil is safe and effective, nevertheless always consult your doctor as he knows your condition better and will give you the appropriate treatment.


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