How to make Balsam the miraculous ancient Greek medicine

The balm has been known since antiquity. The Greeks used it to treat wounds, wounds, internal infections and neuralgia. Dioscorides
, Pliny, and Hippocrates used the balm to treat sciatica and venomous animal bites. For many centuries
Balsam has been used as a key ingredient in many medicines to treat neuralgia, nocturnal enuresis, depression, insomnia and menopausal women. In the 16th century it was used as a wound healing mainly by Paracelsus and other doctors of the time. In 1652 Culpeper was the first to use it as a medicine to treat melancholy and madness. The balm has been scientifically recognized as an anti-depressant drug since 1990. It is now available in the US as a dietary supplement. In Germany it has the largest use of all antidepressants.

It was the famous yama of the ancient Spartans * (1), with which they healed their wounds after the battles, while it was recommended by the healers of the time to treat depression and stomach ulcers. Recognized for its many properties, spatholado has managed to remain a "necessary medicine" from ancient times until today, despite the fact that it is not widely known where it can be found or how to prepare it. 
* (1) It is probable that the name sword grass was given to it in ancient Greece, from its use after the battles for the healing of wounds from swords.

In the periphery, there are many who make it themselves. At the beginning of May and for about a month, the sword grass blooms, one of the most important flowers of the Greek fauna. This plant is distinguished not only for its intense yellow color, but also for its many healing properties - antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent and healing. It helps significantly, as it is said, in the treatment of sciatica, rheumatic pains and joint pains and has excellent healing properties (it is recommended for the healing of wounds, bruises and first degree burns).

Sword grass or balsam grass, as many people know, is the main ingredient of sword oil which, according to Dioscouridis, also had antidepressant properties. In the US, where it recorded high sales, following a related program by ABC News, in June 1997, spatholado was the alternative "prozac" for mild to moderate depression. In Germany, spatholade, which is used as an antispasmodic but also to treat insomnia, is often prescribed by doctors as a medicine against melancholy.

Hypericum perforatum oil, Saint John Wort oil, Hypericum oil, Balsam oil

Among others, it contains hypericin and pseudo-hypericin, flavonoids (16% in the leaves), xanthones, phenolic acids, essential oils (0.13% in the whole plant). The analgesic properties of the herb were first said to be due to the substances hypericin, pseudohypericin and flavonoids, but according to recent pharmacological and clinical studies the results focus on one of its main active ingredients, hyperforin. In homeopathy it is mainly used in neuralgia and nerve injuries and generally symptoms that start from nerve injuries such as hair loss, depression and neuralgia.

This plant during the period of its maturation in the mountainous - mainly - volumes is collected by the producers and with the natural method of fermentation the spatho oil is prepared, without any addition of preservatives or other substances. The oil with which the mixture is made must be extra virgin olive oil with low acidity, so that during the fermentation and during its exposure to the sun it does not increase its acidity, but mainly acquires a very deep red color.

Today it is one of the most important plant and natural products that help human health. Sciatica, sores, burns, bruises, stomach upsets, gastroenteritis, mild ulcers, stomach aches, joint pains, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant and many more properties make it one of the most beneficial for humans.

LABORATORY OF PHARMACOLOGY & PHYSICS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology Contribution to the Pharmacognosic Study of Hypericum vesiculosum 2014 Diploma Thesis

Also, the spatula oil is applied or lightly rubbed on the sore spot or we can even apply local patches with impregnated gauze. It is also ideal for any therapeutic or relaxing massage - it can be enriched with essential oils accordingly. However, it can also be used orally, as it is especially recommended for colitis, painful digestion and stomach sourness.

"First of all, we collect sword grass in May and early June in coastal areas and as time goes by - until the end of July - we find it in the mountainous parts of Greece. We collect its flowers and put them in a glass jar, while the secret in this case is to put a very good olive oil. Usually extra virgin olive oil with low acidity or fresh olive oil, whose acidity is close to 0% is the best oil we can put "says the botanist Alkiviadis Grigoriadis to APE - MPE

Its healing properties
Balsam is well known as the ultimate medicine that heals wounds, it is considered a medicine for neuralgia and depression, especially during menopause. It is also a diuretic and hemostatic, against thrombosis and swamp fever, as well as expectorant. In addition, it is considered useful against chronic runny nose, painful digestion, sour and even beneficial for bile retention. It is recommended against rheumatism and perspiration, while it is also considered astringent.
Nikandros and Dioskouridis (the latter probably refers to the species "gum") refer to it as a healing wound and against sciatica, while the ancients generally claimed that it has great antipyretic properties. Cazin used the balm against chronic colds, against tuberculosis and in many cases, leukorrhea and amenorrhea, while his tea soothes the spasms of the period.
The famous Bavglivi cured chronic pleurisy with it, while Theophrastus, Matiolis, Parakelsos, Skopoli, Kamerarios and others. ά. it was considered anti-traumatic and healing.
Greek villagers have long believed in the healing value of the plant, which is why the word balm is synonymous with wound healing. Mothers supplied their children with this when they went to war. The foreign villagers (who call it "millepertuis", "St. John's wort", "devil hunt", "fuga deomonum", "herba che scacia i diavoli"), attribute magical properties to it and believe that it cures mental illnesses and epilepsy. The French villagers, moreover, know it as "yellow bum", or "beggar", or "grass for insect bites".
The healing herb Balsam or Sword grass is against insomnia, helps with ulcers and bronchitis. Helps in conditions such as depression, skin inflammation, trauma, burns, skin diseases.
Finally, the balm is generally soothing, stimulates the weakened body and is recommended as an antidiarrheal.

What you need to know about its medicinal useThe most important active ingredient of balsam grass is hypericin, which is found throughout the plant, but in greater concentration in its flowering tops (which, however, when they are old, lose their properties). It also contains flavonoids (16% in the leaves), xanthones, phenolic acids and traces of essential oils (0.13%). The plant in fresh form is considered more effective than the dried one. In herbal stores, you will find the whole plant dried, its flowers or leaves. It is also available in capsules and tablets as is, and is also contained in dietary supplements. In these forms it is sold in pharmacies and health food stores. The form, the proportions and the ways of using the balsam grass depend on the respective problem that has to be addressed and are completely individualized. It is a powerful medicine with serious contraindications, which for any reason you can not use unless you have previously consulted a doctor. The ways we use it are:

Capsules (dry extract or titrated dry extract)
The latter has been specially treated in order to maintain or enhance the effectiveness of some of its active ingredients and especially hypericin. In this form, St. John's wort is used to treat depression and to strengthen the immune system.

 "Spatholado", as it is often called, is produced if we put the flowering tops of the plant in a bottle with virgin olive oil (in a ratio of 1 part plant to 10 parts olive oil) and leave them for 2-3 weeks in the sun. Then it turns red and is ready for use. Also available commercially available. Suitable for treating dermatological problems, wound healing, burns, etc.

Produced from virgin olive oil and powder from the dried plant. The exact proportions of the cream's ingredients are determined on a case-by-case basis, according to the problem to be treated, which is why it is prepared by pharmacists specializing in herbal medicine. Suitable for first degree burns, eczema, cracked hands, openings of the skin due to lying down.
Oral infusion

It is suitable for stomach disorders, urinary tract and nervous system diseases.

 It is widely used as an ingredient in medicines.

Hypericum and depression
According to many international scientific studies, the effect of balsam grass in the treatment of depression is positive. According to a recent study by a major German pharmaceutical company and published in the British Medical Journal, the balm proved to be at least as effective as paroxetine, a commonly prescribed antidepressant. Half of the patients who received it, relieved the depression without showing significant side effects (more often gastrointestinal disorders), while in the paroxetine group the corresponding

percentage was one third.

Its healing properties
The balm is considered:
• Antidepressant, sedative, antispasmodic and sleep quality enhancer in insomnia.
• Anti-inflammatory and healing for burns and wounds. It is also considered to accelerate the disappearance of spots of leukorrhea and hard skin tumors.
• Tonic and stimulant for weakened organisms.
• Soothing and relieving in bronchitis, cough, asthma.
• Emmenagogue-regulator of menstruation.
• Diuretic.
• Antispasmodic.
• For gastric-intestinal disorders.
• Antipyretic and analgesic. 
Side effects and contraindications • Hypericum can affect the metabolism of certain enzymes. Therefore, caution is required  when co-administered with other drugs

Also, because it affects neurotransmitters, it interacts with various drugs, including other antidepressants.
• If you drink balm often, you may experience  vomiting and diarrhea.
• Hypericin can cause photosensitivity. Balsam oil causes  photosensitivity , so you should use it only when there is no direct exposure to the sun and preferably in the evening.
•  Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers  should not take St. John's wort in any form.

Hopes for treating the symptoms of AIDS
Based on the results of recent studies, balsam grass can help treat herpes simplex, chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS. Patients with AIDS who accepted treatment based on, among other things, balm, said they felt more optimistic, with more energy and less fatigue.


  • amenorrhea
  • immune
  • indigestion
  • Burns
  • eczema
  • swamp fever
  • menopause
  • healing of inflammations
  • sunburn
  • thrombosis
  • sciatica
  • depression
  • catarrh
  • leukorrhea
  • neuralgia
  • sourdough
  • period
  • period pains
  • rheumatic pains
  • Arthritis
  • Hand cracking

CAUTION !!! The herb of the ancient Greek warriors has amazing healing properties, even for use in the treatment of cancer studies are done - But in its use we must pay attention to 3 things 



Traditional "recipe"

Traditionally, the balm is used in the form of "red oil" which is prepared by leaving for several days in the sun the tops of the flowers in oil to treat diseases of the kidneys, stomach and lungs.
It is rich in phenolic compounds, such as caffeic acid and flavonoids.
Balsam essential oil contains about 40 different ingredients.
The balsam plant contains 0.6-3 ml of essential oil per kilo of plant mass.
The balm has the essential oil on the leaves, stems, roots, flowers.
The plant's essential oil content varies depending on the flowering period.

In more detail:
We collect the flowers, we fill the vase up to the top so that the flowers cover our oil, it is better to use olive oil with very low acidity or fresh olive oil with low acidity, we put it in the sun for 40 days, it gets a red tint and is ready ATTENTION !!! Consumers should be careful, because if they take it in a plastic bottle, it is dangerous !!! , since spatula oil has the ability to absorb all the chemicals in the plastic bottle "


Regarding the properties of spatholade, Mr. Grigoriadis points out that "it is a first class antiseptic and healing, while it helps in relapses and stomach ulcers". Also, according to him, if added to ointment, then it becomes very effective in floods. "The results have been known since ancient times, as warriors used them during the wars. The pleasant thing is that it is widely accepted even by the medical community ", he points out.

Spatholado lasts for about two years from the time it is produced, while it is best consumed within a year. "It's good to consume soon and not to keep it for a long time. Today, people are turning to herbs and products in this direction. And it is not accidental, since he sees that he gives solutions to his problems. "Even in young children, in cases of conjunctivitis, it can be used instead of a cream, while the daily application on the face helps to gain years of youth!" Mr. Grigoriadis typically mentions, recommending us to consume a spoonful of spatholado oil in the morning.

Hypericum Thesis 28 pages
Author: Siaveli Stamatina
Contact details:  e-mail: mobile number: 6976823654 

The elixir of the ancient Greeks, the well-known balm, is an alternative crop with significant economic returns, for the development of which poor and dry lowland and semi-mountainous soils can be utilized.

It is a crop that shows significant prospects, as balsam is a product used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The balm market can be characterized by the small number of wholesale buyers but also by the competition from other countries, where labor is lower, however the global market for organic medicinal plants is constantly growing.

Without special cultivation care, the balsam seems able to provide a way out of the current difficult conditions facing Greek agriculture.

The balm has several common names such as: balsam grass, lichen grass, precursor herb, sword grass.

It is a perennial plant and thrives in lowland and semi-mountainous areas and in fields of poor-moderate fertility, dry.

Its uses are many. The balm can be used dry or fresh.

The balm, dried, is used in decoctions. Also the balm in powder form is used in the preparation of gels, capsules and pills.

Hypericum perforatum (St John 'wort) Balsam or Hypericum
Family: Hypericaceae-Species: Hypericum perforatum

Cultivation description
It is a medicinal plant, herbaceous, perennial (6-7 years), 20-80 cm tall. It has an upright cylindrical shoot with small lanceolate leaves, stems that have many transparent spots (oil glands) and flowers yellowish to orange with black spots.

Climate - soil:
Grows in sunny areas. It can grow at an altitude of up to 2,500 m above sea level. It grows in dry, poor-moderately fertile soils with good drainage and in terms of pH from slightly acidic to alkaline.

Seed Propagation Seed: The seed is sown in a greenhouse from January 15 - early February. 8g of seed / acre. The seed uncovered in the bed. Transplantation after 10-12 weeks.

Transplants:The most ideal way of multiplication.
The time of receiving the cuttings is either October or March.

Rhizomes: The root is cut into lengths, varying between 5-15 cm and a diameter of 0.6-1.2 cm. They are placed in shallow furrows, in the ground and covered with 5-7.5 cm of soil. It creates a limited number of plants and is not suitable for extensive cultivation.

Transplanting takes place in the open air in early to mid-March at distances of 20-30 cm between plants and 60-80 cm between rows.

Cultivation care
Irrigation: St. John's wort is a dry crop. In periods of prolonged drought it needs 2-3 waterings.
Weed control: It is done either by digging or by soil cover.

Secondary metabolites in the drug
Contains essential oil and various polyphenolic derivatives.

1. The yield in essential oil ranges from 0.1-0.25% x.b. with main ingredients 2-methyloctane and α-pinene.
2. Among the polyphenolic derivatives are mentioned:
- Floroglucinol derivatives: 0.2-4% mainly hyperforin.
- Flavonoids: 2-4%, mainly glycosides of quercetin with mainly rutin and peroside.
Other groups of substances are: procyanidins, tannins, xanthones, caffeic and chlorogenic acid, catechin tanning substances and amino acids.


It is a medicinal plant. The drug has the property of causing necrosis when used externally, it is used in the treatment of tumors and papillomas.
In addition, the drug due to the essential oil and tanning substances it contains is used as an antiseptic, astringent and healing drug for external use.
In traditional medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, painkiller, diuretic and for malaria.
H. perforatum extract is characterized by antidepressant, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It is also used to treat burns, skin injuries and neuralgic diseases.

Full production in the 2nd year. The yarrow gives an average of 120 kg / acre dry and is harvested with a lawn mower when the plant is in full bloom before the fruits are formed.

Balsam yields vary depending on soil fertility, cultivation practices, harvesting method and drying conditions

In its fresh state it is used in the composition of many products, such as: vinegar, alcoholic beverages, oils, glycerin, etc. It is also used in ointments, massage lotions, soaps, shampoos, etc.

With properties that make it one of the most important medicinal herbs for humans, balsam has been known since antiquity for the effective treatment of dermatological problems, wound healing and strengthening the immune system.

Nowadays, however, it is one of the most researched herbs with particularly encouraging results in the treatment of mild to moderate depression and other mental and neurological disorders.

Great performance 
Techniques for an efficient plantation
The development of the promising balsam crop in Greece can give a gross income of 2,500 euros per acre, leaving a significant profit to the growers, since the annual production cost per acre is estimated between 250 and 350 euros.

Balsam is a perennial herb that thrives in lowland and semi-mountainous areas and in poor or moderately fertile and arid fields.

Of course, the cost is difficult to estimate precisely because it depends on many factors that are different on each farm.

Yields of balsam also vary greatly, depending on soil fertility, cultivation practices, meteorological conditions, harvesting method, drying conditions, etc. More specifically, they range between 100-500 kg per acre in dry plants in the second year .

In Canada, dried balm sells for 10-12 euros per kilo.

In Greece, its cultivation can be developed and give a gross income of 2,000-2,500 euros per acre.

Good soil for growing balsam depends on its mineral content, organic matter, calcium content, green manure and good drainage.

Balsam is not a demanding plant and therefore is generally placed at the end of crop rotation. Nutrient needs of the balm are estimated at:
6-8 kg nitrogen per acre on an annual basis.
4-6 kg of phosphorus per acre on an annual basis.
8-10 kg of potassium per acre on an annual basis.

During the first installation of the balm, the seeds are sown directly in the ground or by planting the seedlings produced in the nursery. The germination rate of balsam seeds is low (15-56% at 20-25o C), while the seeds before sowing require preliminary handling.

The best temperature for seed germination is 16-23 degrees Celsius.

After sowing until transplanting the seedlings take 2-3 months.

The special feature of the balm is that in order for its seeds to germinate, it needs light. This method of propagating the balm is easy, but the germination period is long and irregular.

To increase the effectiveness of the method, it is recommended to sow a larger number of seeds than normal.

Sowing should be done superficially in rows by lightly pressing the seeds so that they come in good contact with the soil. The seeds take 4 weeks to germinate.

Balsam plants are ready to be transplanted in the field when they are at least 10 cm in size.

Transplanting takes place in the months of April-May. The distances between the plants on the planting lines are required to be 30-45 cm and 70-75 cm between the lines.

In this way there are about 5,000 plants per acre. The plants mature and bloom in the second year. The balsam should be irrigated before and after planting the seedlings. The balm tolerates drought from the moment it is installed.

On the contrary, during the sowing but also in the first year of its growth the plant needs irrigation in normal time periods.

During the first two years of its development the balsam grows slowly and can be easily overwhelmed by weeds.

For this reason we must fight the weeds before, but also during the cultivation.

The use of green manure plants reduces the number of weeds.

Then the methods of mechanical destruction of weeds are used (carving, weeding, milling). During the third and fourth year of growth, weeding and carving are recommended to control weeds.

Although weeding is a labor-intensive job, it does favor the crop to produce a clean, high-quality product.

Harvest should be done at the beginning of flowering, when 20-25% of the plants have bloomed and their hypericin content is at its maximum, ie between the end of May and the end of July.

Flowering tops and leaves are harvested.

The balsam can be harvested mechanically with a harvester.

We can have a first harvest from the first year of installation and maybe a second one if the plants have a second late flowering. From the second year we have two crops, the first in July and the other in August.

Drying, "key" to product quality
Drying is the most important stage that largely determines the quality of the product and therefore the marketing potential.

The flowering tops and leaves of the balm are cut into smaller pieces and then dried in a dark place at a temperature of 30-45o C for 3-7 days. At the end of the drying the humidity of the product is at 5-8o C. If the moisture content is higher, then there is a risk of mold, resulting in the unfit of the product for consumption.

They are then packed in polyethylene bags suitable for food packaging kept in light-protected areas.

The warehouse where the product is stored must be clean, odorless, dark, dry, with a constant and low temperature.

If storage conditions are good, the flowers and buds retain their phytoactive substances for a period of 6-9 months.

Quality control in essence must be organoleptic. The general image of the product, the color, the smell, the touch with the product and depending on the case the taste are the parameters that allow us to control the good or the bad product. For the balm, what we are looking for is the product to have the maximum percentage in buds, flowers and leaves.

Author : Eleni Peraki  For republishing  A necessary  condition is the citation of the source with an active Link 

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Μυρωνίδου Ελένη Γεωπόνος M.Sc.
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