I Cured myself of Incurable Cancer - Allan Taylor Says How

How a man's "crazy" diet helped him beat prospects: Allan Taylor's recipe includes grated barley grass , curry , apricot kernels and selenium pills.When doctors told Allan Taylor he had incurable cancer, he decided he was not going to just give up and die.
Instead, the 78-year-old grandfather resolutely searched the internet for help.
And when he found what he was looking for, he embarked on an intensive alternative diet to try to cure his illness.

Caution !!!  read and agree to the  Terms of Use  of the Website, the information published relates to links to books and Isotopes for herbs and nutrition available on the internet we are neither responsible nor recommend their use, please contact the relevant Doctors and their authors for more information books and articles. And especially in serious health issues such as this, get immediate instructions  EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR  who is the only one who can judge how medication should be combined  with diet .
In each case Before you decide to try any alternative method of fighting an illness / disease, it is wise to first contact your * personal (* therapist) doctor, who will advise you accordingly.
Caution!!!  do not use any herbs or oils to which you are allergic. While you should never exceed -dosages (consult only Specialist).
Caution !!!  in  pregnancy  and  lactation  before the use of herbs get immediate instructions exclusively from your gynecologist.

Include grated barley grass, curry, apricot kernels and selenium pills. Now 4 months later the retired engineer Allan heard "you are clean" from the doctors.

"I received a letter on April 30 and they told me that there was no reason for me to have another chemotherapy, it would not cure me, so did the surgery," he tells us.
They said that if they cut the cancer it would appear somewhere else. But I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure.
"On August 6, I received a letter from North Tees Hospital saying that the scan had shown my cancer was gone and" the abnormality is no longer visible. "

Allan's ordeal began when he noticed a two-inch bulge in his abdomen. He was sent for tests and was told he had colon cancer. A surgeon removed part of his nine-inch colon last September. Then a 3-month chemotherapy started. In April of this year he was told that his cancer had spread to his small intestine.

Allan decided to radically change his diet, replacing red meat and dairy products with 10 servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day. But he believes that one of the crucial ingredients in treating his cancer was a teaspoon of barley grass powder in warm water every morning and evening.
"There is no doubt in my mind that my diet saved my life," he says. "And the cost was only £ 30 a week."

With a little help from them!

1. Organic apricot seeds

** (or the almond from the apricot kernel from your apricot)

Thinking of  dissolving cancer cells . There is no cancer in areas where they eat it daily.

*** UPDATE 7  *** 
CAUTION !!!  BUT IN THE OVER-CONSUMPTION of the apricot kernel. 
Get instructions immediately  EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR  who is the only one who can judge how medication should be combined  with diet .

Additional Information  Amygdalin / Vitamin B17
File: Amygdalin skeletal.png
Image source:  Wikipedia
Amygdalin is a cyanotic substance found in the kernels, ie the seeds, of most fruits. It was first isolated in 1830 by the two chemists Pierre-Jean Robiquet and Antoine Boutron-Charlard from bitter almond kernels, hence its name. Almonds are also found in fruit stones such as apricots, apples, cherries, pears, plums, tangerines. The concentration of amygdalin in the kernels of these fruits ranges from 2-3%.
One theory that accompanies amygdalin is its supposed anti-cancer effect. In 1845 it was used in Russia as a pill, and in 1920 the trend reached the United States. It was later discontinued as the pill was found to be toxic. This did not stop the American Ernst T. Krebs Jr. (not to be confused with Hans Adolf Krebs - founder of the Krebs cycle and the urea cycle) from promoting amygdalin as a miracle cure but also attributing the vitamin property to amygdalin, for this gave it the alternative name Vitamin B17, although in reality it is not. It is worth noting that Ernst Krebs never completed his studies in medicine, nor did he have a degree in any other positive science such as chemistry, biology, etc.
Regarding its anti-cancer action, many studies have been done. The initial studies, according to which it had such an action are not considered reliable as errors were made in their conduct. Recent, documented studies have failed to confirm claims of potent anticancer activity. Amygdalin is  not considered an anti-cancer drug when it has already manifested . According to scientists, the use of amygdalin is  more preventive than therapeutic.  It is believed that chronic amygdalin deficiency can lead to a decrease in the body's resistance to the development of malignancy.

File: Laetrile.svg
Image source:  Wikipedia
However, there are cases of people promoting the use of amygdalin as a cancer drug. In fact, for this purpose a synthetic form of the substance has been prepared, letrin (laetrile), which is available in various forms eg solution for injection, pills, suppository, etc.

Dangers of consuming amygdalin
As mentioned at the beginning of the article amygdalin is a cyanide compound. This means that when the substance is broken down by the body's enzymes, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is produced, a dangerous compound that can even lead to death if consumed in large quantities.
Although the consumption of some almonds or stones is not a health hazard (intake of amygdalin up to 3 grams per day is considered safe ), systematic consumption of  large amounts of  letrin or amygdalin supplements can have adverse health effects such as:
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • hypotension
  • cyanosis (blue skin tone due to lack of oxygen)
  • headaches
  • fever 
  • neurological disorders eg lack of coordination and balance
  • hepatic failure
  • coma
  • death
Therefore, beware of various miraculous preparations that promise magical solutions to such serious health issues, because they can hide great dangers.
    Cure Cancer With Vitamin B17 !! (don't do it)

    SSo apparently, there's a thing going around the internet claiming that vitamin B17, amygdalin, or laetrile can cure cancer. Is this true? Let's take a look. 
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    This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Published on 18 Mar 2017

    Related links
    Laetrile (amygdalin, vitamin B17)  Cancer Research UK
    Questions and Answers About Laetrile / Amygdalin  National Cancer Institute
    Laetrile: A lesson in cancer quackery, Lerner, IJ (1981) , CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
    Amygdalin  Wikipedia

    Ernst_T._Krebs  Wikipedia  

    2. Curcumin pills
    ** (or turmeric powder from your local organic store)
    Believing that the curry they contain  stops the growth  of cancer cells 3. Barley grass powder *** (See how to make it yourself  How to grow sprouts - fight 47 diseases including cancer  )

    Thinking it raises the  alkaline level of the blood  by reducing the acidic one. Cancer loves acidic. 4. Selenium pills ** (or fresh moon from the pot on your balcony)

    A natural supplement that helps the body 's  defenses  fight disease. 5. Vitamin C ** Pills (or orange juice from your orange)

    Vitamin C fights most diseases. Allan got 24 a day!

    Surprisingly, the following video from 2010 says the same ...
    The video is free to download  here , as is the text  here .

    Holistic Physical Therapy for Cancer!
    Nutrition Treatment for Holistic Cancer Treatment, for one month.
    Includes 2 Cannabis Oils (250ml), Apricot Oil (250ml), Linseed Oil (250ml), Thistle (250ml) and Black Cumin (50ml)

    Holistic Physical Therapy For Cancer ***

    Caution !!!  read and agree to the  Terms of Use  of the Website, the information published relates to links to books and Isotopes for herbs and nutrition available on the internet we are neither responsible nor recommend their use, please contact the relevant Doctors and their authors for more information books and articles. And especially in serious health issues such as this, get immediate instructions  EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR  who is the only one who can judge how medication should be combined  with diet .
    In each case Before you decide to try any alternative method of fighting an illness / disease, it is wise to first contact your * personal (* therapist) doctor, who will advise you accordingly.
    Caution!!!  do not use any herbs or oils to which you are allergic. While you should never exceed -dosages (consult only Specialist).
    Caution !!!  in  pregnancy  and  lactation  before the use of herbs get immediate instructions exclusively from your gynecologist.

    Enemies of cancer
    Phytochemicals are considered responsible for the anti-cancer effect of many foods. Essentially, these are elements that protect plants against microbial invasions and infections, while protecting our body, protecting the nutrients in the path of digestion, so that they reach the small intestine and are absorbed by the organism. They have antioxidant activity and seem to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. Phytochemicals (contained mainly in fruits and vegetables) include, but are not limited to, polyphenols, flavonoids and carotenoids.

    It is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In recent years, however, studies have been conducted to investigate its association with cancer prevention. Scientists believe that the low rates of some cancers in India, as opposed to the corresponding high rates in Western countries such as the US, are due to the increased consumption of turmeric by Indians. In fact, researchers from the University of Texas Cancer Center showed in a study published in 2009 that curcumin (a substance contained in turmeric) has the ability to "separate" cancer cells from normal and kill cancer cells.
    Tip Add a teaspoon of turmeric to your soups, pasta sauces and salads. Turmeric also contains curry (since it is essentially a mixture of spices).

    Green tea 
    The anti-cancer effect of tea is due to the polyphenols it contains, known as catechins. According to studies, green tea can prevent the growth of tumors, mainly in cancers of the breast, lung, esophagus, colon and skin. A recent study from the University of Alabama at the University of Birmingham in the United States concluded that green tea polyphenols also protect against skin cancer, thanks to their ability to "correct" DNA damaged by ultraviolet radiation or sunlight.
    Tip Include 2-3 cups of green tea in your daily routine.

    Garlic, like onion, is a food rich in polyphenols and sulfur-based compounds, which are thought to inhibit the growth of cancer (mainly of the esophagus, stomach and colon). Recent research by the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Alexandria in Egypt has linked garlic consumption to a reduced incidence of breast cancer.
    . Add crushed garlic to your cooking and take advantage of its anti-cancer substances.
    . Most antioxidants are found in the outer layers of the onion, so peel it as little as possible.

    The catechins and procyanidins (powerful antioxidants) contained in cocoa reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, risk factors for cancer and other chronic conditions. Although more studies need to be done to prove the anti-cancer effects of cocoa, dark chocolate (which contains up to 75% cocoa mass) seems to have a place on the list of foods that are considered to protect against cancer.
    Tip Two pieces of dark chocolate a day can replace other sweets and at the same time contribute to the health of your body.

    Fatty fish 
    Fatty fish (eg sardines, salmon, mackerel), as well as nuts (mainly nuts), are foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which appear to have anti-cancer properties. Research links the regular consumption of these fatty acids with protection against colon, breast and prostate cancer. In fact, according to a recent meta-analysis by the Department of Urology at McGill University in Montreal, people who regularly consume omega-3 fatty acids have a 63% reduced mortality from prostate cancer.
    Tip: Eat fatty fish 1-2 times a week, choose a handful of nuts as a snack or add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed to your breakfast cereal.

    Olive oil 
    Greek epidemiological research from the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the University of Athens in collaboration with the Office of Epidemiological Research of the Academy of Athens, the Department of Epidemiology of Harvard University and the Hellenic Foundation for Health, headed by Professor According to its results, the adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet (which is mainly based on the consumption of olive oil) is associated with a reduction in the risk of developing breast cancer in postmenopausal women. For about 10 years, scientists followed 14,800 Greek women and found 240 new cases of breast cancer.
    Tip Use olive oil in cooking as well, as it is more resistant to high temperatures compared to seed oils.

    Cruciferous vegetables (eg cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) are thought to protect against various cancers, especially of the colon, lung and stomach. Scientists talk about a dramatic reduction in the risk of cancer in people with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and in particular in cruciferous vegetables, due to the phytochemical compounds they contain. A recent study from the University of Michigan concluded that the substance sulforaphane (which is the source of broccoli) helps the body get rid of cancer cells associated with the development of breast cancer.
    Tip Consumption of 3-4 servings of cruciferous vegetables per week is considered to protect mainly from the occurrence of colon and breast cancer.

    Tomato is considered an excellent source of nutrients thanks to the lycopene it contains (phytochemical with strong antioxidant activity). Lycopene, in addition to the characteristic red color it offers to the tomato, has the property of destroying free radicals, which cause damage to the DNA of cells and lead to the appearance of chronic diseases. Recent studies have linked this substance to protection against various forms of cancer, especially prostate cancer. According to research, most of the amount of lycopene we consume comes from tomato-based products (eg tomato paste, tomato juice, pasta sauce, ketchup).
    Λ The lycopene contained in tomato juice is more easily absorbed by the body, compared to the lycopene found in whole tomatoes. This is because when the tomato is rubbed in juice or pulp, a larger amount of the specific substance is released.
    . Scientists also claim that lycopene is more easily absorbed by our body when cooking tomatoes in vegetable fats (eg olive oil), which is why tomato sauce is considered an ideal anti-cancer food.

    Strawberries, like some berries (eg blueberries, bilberries), are rich in polyphenols, which are known for their anti-cancer properties. Scientists from the University of Ohio have collected laboratory studies and studies in humans and presented their results, which prove the protective effect of this fruit against the oxidative and cellular functions that lead to the development of cancer.
    Ουμε Strawberries are found from April, while there are also imported in winter. Because it is one of the most loaded with pesticides and hormones fruits, prefer organic.
    Άλλα Get other kinds of berries from big supermarkets and health food stores and in the form of juice. Prefer raspberry juice, which is rich in antioxidants.

    Citrus fruits (eg oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons), in addition to being an excellent source of vitamin C, are also rich in phytochemicals. An orange contains more than 170 different phytochemicals and more than 60 flavonoids. However, vitamin C itself has a protective effect, as it has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate, skin and breast cancer. 
    Tip The daily consumption of citrus fruits (whole fruit or in the form of juice) is important to protect the body against cancer.


    NEW !!! It is a juice that contains many vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, C, antioxidants, folic acid and trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and iron.
    The beets are possible anticancer properties as evidenced by several studies and destroys cancer cells tumor. You will see tremendous benefits to your health! Make sure your ingredients are fresh

    • 50% beets
    • 10% celery root
    • 20% carrots
    • 10%  selenium
    • 10% radishes

    Simply mix the ingredients in a blender and drink the juice 2 times a day. Tip:  Drink as much as you need and not more, exaggeration is not good!
    We found it on the page:  http://idiva.gr/

    DCA: Cancer drug is blocked from being released


    Cancer is often referred to as a "silent disease" as many of its initial symptoms go unnoticed quickly, delaying diagnosis. What are the symptoms associated with cancer in men and in which cases is it necessary to perform diagnostic tests? Most of them are very likely to be due to something innocent or a health problem that is easily treated, but because they may be a sign of cancer it is important, if you find them, to contact your doctor.

    Problem with urination
    Many men have problems urinating as they get older:
    • need to urinate more often, especially at night
    • loss of urine or a sense of urgency to urinate
    Difficulty urinating or poor flow
    Prostate enlargement, a common and innocent condition in men over 50, usually causes such symptoms, but it can also be something more serious like prostate cancer.

    Changes in the testicles
    If you notice a tumor, a feeling of heaviness or any change in your testicles do not delay the visit to the doctor. Unlike slow-growing prostate cancer, testicular cancer can develop very quickly.

    Blood in the urine or stool
    This may be one of the first symptoms of bladder, kidney or bowel cancer. If you see blood in the urine or stoolEven if you have no other symptoms, it is a good idea to tell your doctor. And to keep your mind from going wrong, chances are you have a problem with your hemorrhoids or a urinary tract infection that is important to find and treat medically.

    Difficulty swallowing
    Some people have occasional difficulty swallowing , but if your problem persists and you have lost weight or vomited, your doctor may want to check for esophageal or stomach cancer.

    Changes in the oral cavity
    If you smoke a cigarette or pipe you have a higher risk of oral cancer. Check your mouth and lips regularly in the mirror for white or red marks.

    Breast Changes
    Men are often unaware of any breast changes because they are not trained to check for breast cancer. However, 1% of all breast cancers occur in men, and the downside is that the diagnosis is usually made at an advanced stage. Get in the habit of examining your breast and nipple while bathing several times a year and if you find any lumps, contact your doctor.

    SOS Unnecessary fatigue
    Many cancers cause a strong feeling of fatigue that does not go away, no matter how much you rest. It is different from the exhaustion you may feel after a hard week or from intense activity. If fatigue affects your daily life, discuss it with your doctor to find the cause and ways to overcome it.

    Tar and feathers:
    Caution !!! in no case and by bat not abandon conventional treatment to apply the above, simply because all this is NOT a treatment other diet and because the medicine in cancer treatment industry has made giant strides in ALL levels (Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, Surgical) making many cancers curable, with the rate reaching as high as 100% when diagnosed at an early stage.

    If you benefit from the above alternative therapies, do not tell it warmly to anyone (Keep a low profile) and do not be proud and do not fanatically support the above, they will drive you crazy !!! our society is not yet ready for this and it is NOT possible to accept such treatments.
    Keep a low profile, and do not talk too much about this method if you advise someone to do it discreetly, and  NEVER  (and with  a bat ) prevent a person from stopping conventional treatment.

    Living Foods for Optimum Health by Brian R. Clement and Theresa Foy Digeronino
    "Become a Doctor for Yourself", Dr Ann Wigmore
    "Anti cancer", Dr. David Servan Schreber
    Raw food instead of cooked", Helmut Wandmaker
    "Vegetarian Homophagia ", Flora Papadopoulou
    Beliveau Richard, Gingras Denis, "Foods that swallow Modern Times, 2010 

    Resources Source
    http: //www.proionta- tis-fisis.info/sitarohorto-to-aparaitito-ke-pos-paraskevazete.html
    http: // ikologiavaliras.blogspot.gr/2014/11/blog-post_25.html
    http: // ipokratiadiatrofi. blogspot.gr/2014/10/kai.html
    https : //www.youtube.com/watch? v = UV7xK-MW32A
    http://www.ftiaxno.gr/2011/10/ blog-post.html
    http: / /www.anticancer.gov.gr/ygeia_diatrofi
    http://www.hesmo.gr/ el / diatrofi-kai-karkinos
    http://www.onmed.gr/ ygeia-eidhseis / item / 309858 / oi-10-trophies-pou-fovatai-o-karkinos /

    Electronic Bibliography
    http://globalsustain.org/publish/food_cancer.pdf http://phoenixcancercare.gr/ wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / odigos.pdf
    http://hjn.gr/wp- content / uploads / 2014/09 / get_pdf-41.pdf
    http://www.aiavramidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/ GEN-239.pdf

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    Caution: The informations contained on this blog is provided for general and educational purposes only and must never be considered a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical professional. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription medicines, are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals before beginning any nutrition or lifestyle programme. This blog does not take responsibility for possible health consequences for any person following the information in the educational content. The information contained on this blog are from Websites, articles, books that exist on the internet we are not responsible and do not recommend their use, please for more information contact the competent Doctors, and the authors of the books or articles.
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