How to lower blood pressure naturally


Introduction: Stress is one of the most important health issues of our time and now employsyoung people. It seems that the modern demanding, intense and stressful lifestyle, combined with the lack of exercise
and proper nutrition have led to an "epidemic" of hypertension in the Western world. It is a health bomb, since the doctors themselves consider hypertension a very dangerous disease, which gradually wears out the body and leads with mathematical certainty to other serious health problems and especially to heart and stroke.

Of course, there is no reason to panic since with the help of your doctor there are solutions, if necessary, even pharmaceutical. However, it is prudent to take precautionary measures - at least - of the following tips to minimize the chances of the problem occurring. As you will see, there is an emphasis on simple natural solutions through diet and other easy and inexpensive ways to be healthier.

What you need to know about hypertension 

Every day our heart pumps and promotes 8,000 liters of blood, which are necessary to supply our body with oxygen, salts, vitamins and nutrients, but also to eliminate useless substances from cell metabolism.

The pressure that the heart creates to pump and carry blood to the blood vessels is called blood pressure. High blood pressure is called hypertension. When the heart contracts and pushes blood to the arteries, the pressure is higher and is called systolic (high) pressure. When the heart rests and fills with blood, the pressure is lower and is called diastolic (small). The pressure is not constant throughout the 24 hours, it is usually higher in the early morning hours and gradually decreases during the 24 hours to reach the lowest point corresponding to the deepest sleep, ie in the 3rd or 4th morning. Therefore, stress follows its own biological cycle.

An episode of sudden rise in blood pressure should not give you much to worry about. Such increases can also occur in normal individuals under stress. What matters is the long-term rather than the occasional rise in blood pressure. That is why it is important to do frequent check-ups with regular measurements to see if there is a problem.


When and how to control your blood pressure

First, here are some tips on how and when you can control your  blood pressure  . This can be done either at home with the help of an  electronic sphygmomanometer  (they are quite reliable), or in the presence of a doctor in a doctor's office. Generally, the measurement should be done at rest and never when you are stressed, after a meal, or exercising, etc. Also, an episode of a sudden rise in blood pressure should not worry you. Such fluctuations occur normally in all people. What matters is the long-term, not the occasional increase in  blood pressure  and that is why frequent check-ups with regular measurements (eg morning and afternoon) are important to see if there is a problem.

In particular, if your  blood pressure  is consistently above 140/90, you should probably see a doctor. The  high pressure  (14 in our example) is the so-called  systolic pressure , ie the  pressure  that the blood has when the heart presses it around the body, and respectively the  low pressure  is the so-called diastolic pressure when the heart "rests" after contraction, that is, between two pulses. The  pressure it also follows its own biological cycle and is not stable 24 hours a day. It is usually higher in the early morning hours and gradually decreases during the day. It is also affected by other factors and diseases besides stress, such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition, sugar and obesity.

It is also wise to seek medical help. Note that new drugs have virtually no side effects and are very safe, while if there is heredity in your  blood pressure in your family  does not mean that with care you will not get. In any case, the above tips help those who already have a problem with stress, and once again proves the  correlation between diet and exercise The bottom line is that we respect our bodies to live longer and better



I start  exercising

In general,  exercise  and any  sports activity  (eg basketball with friends) but also  fast and intense walking  have multiple health benefits, as it improves oxygen uptake and reduces blood pressure, while - at the same time - fights stress. . It also helps maintain a healthy body weight and strengthens the heart, which is supplied with more blood, but with less effort, thus reducing the momentum of blood in the arteries. So exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes at a time!

Healthy people need an average of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. However, if you have high blood pressure problems, it is a good idea to try to dedicate 40 of them to more intense forms of exercise. The most important thing, however, is your consistency.


Stop smoking

Smoking, unfortunately, is the cause of many evils, documented by numerous studies over the years. In particular, it affects our blood pressure in dozens of ways. For example, nicotine leads the body to produce adrenaline, making the heart beat faster and thus increasing  blood pressure.  Poor oxygenation and lung dysfunction, again, afflict the body and heart. In general, the benefits of quitting regarding your overall health, not just the  blood  your  pressure .


SOS Lose weight

All research shows that losing even a few pounds has a significant effect on  blood pressure . This is because being overweight makes the heart work harder and this can lead to  high blood pressure . Also, if you are overweight you are usually at risk of atherosclerosis which is also an aggravating factor.

Weight loss is a key factor in preventing hypertension in overweight people. In addition, overweight hypertensive patients can benefit greatly from reducing their weight by 4-5 kg.

What's more, losing 9-10 pounds can lower systolic blood pressure by 15-20 mm Hg, making weight loss a vital factor in reducing high blood pressure in overweight patients.

Overweight and obese hypertensives (with a body mass index above 25) benefit significantly from weight loss. Even a reduction of 5% of total body mass can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure.

A little alcohol

High alcohol consumption  is involved in about 16%  of hypertension cases worldwide. Men should not consume more than two alcoholic beverages a day, while women more than one.

But it seems that regular consumption of a small amount of alcohol can lower  blood pressure  and reduce the risk of heart disease more than one abstains completely from alcohol. Again here he wants moderation and attention, so that one glass e.g. red wine not to become three, or four.

Beware of snoring

If you find that you snore while sleeping, you may be suffering from apnea. In this case, there is a risk that snoring is not only not innocent, but also related to hypertension and general heart health. It is no coincidence that many people with sleep apnea also have  high blood pressure . It is good to consult a specialist. Of course, the right night's sleep (at least 7 hours) helps your body a lot.


Beware of a lot of work

It sounds like an oxymoron for our time and especially for our country, but too much work does not help. So, if this is possible, you should try to find time for rest and personal pursuits. It should be noted that especially office work in combination with overtime and night shifts do not help at all in the matter of  stress .


Decaffeinated coffee

If you have already been diagnosed with hypertension and are taking medication, then you should discuss coffee with your doctor  It is obviously a favorite habit, but it has been shown to raise  blood pressure  and, depending on the person, can even affect a good night's sleep. Caffeine raises  blood pressure by  constricting blood vessels and increasing the effects of stress. So, you should probably look for decaffeinated alternative drinks.


Intense Stress 

If the  stress  has exceeded all limits and you can not manage it (resulting in increased stress), not only is it not a shame, but it is necessary to turn to a specialist, e.g. a psychologist. Understanding ourselves and managing our emotions also have an effect on our body. That is why there is, after all, the term "psychosomatic".

More effective stress management

Psychological stress due to increased family, work, etc. further exacerbates hypertension. At the biological level, chronic stress involves the narrowing of blood vessels and an increase in heart rate, with the result that blood pressure remains permanently high. There are many ways to deal with stress - from relaxing music or a bubble bath to yoga and meditation.


Changing Eating Habits

Of course, in addition to a  healthier and happier lifestyle, you also  need to change your  eating habits . In general, avoid fried, processed foods, too much red meat, sweets and junk food and prefer a dairy diet, lean meats, fruits and vegetables. It seems, however, that some foods and beverages have an even more positive effect on  regulating blood pressure .



Beware of salt

The  salt  increases the volume and  blood pressure in the arteries . But the big problem is the "hidden" salt in the processed foods we eat, such as cookies, cereals and junk food. That's why, after all, it's good to check the labels of the foods you buy. In addition, it is good for the same reason to generally avoid canned food, fast food, snacks and fatty foods from ovens such as croissants or peinirli.



One cup of yogurt a day reduces the chances of developing  high blood pressure , because the calcium in yogurt makes blood vessels more flexible, allowing them to stretch slightly while keeping blood pressure low. Note that yogurt also helps the proper functioning of the intestine.

Eat foods rich in calcium

People with low calcium intake often have high blood pressure. While calcium supplements have not been shown to lower blood pressure, calcium-rich diets are linked to our health. For most adults, the proper calcium intake is 1000 mg per day. For women over 50 and men over 70, it is 1,200 mg per day. In addition to dairy, you can get calcium from cabbage and other leafy vegetables such as beans and sardines.



Banana is a food rich in potassium, which is a very important mineral that controls the balance of fluids in the body and helps  reduce blood pressure . In general, fruits and vegetables help to get as much potassium as you need. For example, good choices are watermelon, melon, oranges, peaches, apricots, celery, parsley and potatoes. Finally, other foods high in potassium are legumes, fish, shellfish, nuts, flaxseed and milk.



Garlic contains a substance, allicin (which also gives it its characteristic odor), which helps to lower  blood pressure . The bad thing is that you need to consume at least 6 to 8 cloves of garlic daily, in order to have a satisfactory result. However, doctors recommend it even if we can not consume so much. Do not forget the fact that the  hypotensive  avoid tzatziki because of the garlic.



Onions are rich in antioxidants such as flavonols, and quercetin, thus lowering blood pressure and boosting cardiovascular function. They are ideal for salads, so they go extremely well with many other vegetables.



Cinnamon can not only lower  blood pressure , but also the  chance of developing diabetes . After all, sugar affects blood pressure by gradually damaging the arteries.



Oregano works in much the same way that onions do: it not only significantly lowers  blood pressure , but also lowers heart rate.

Olives and Olive Oil


Olive oil can also lower  blood pressure It is no coincidence that Mediterranean peoples generally have better  blood pressure  (in part due to climate, not just diet).



Beetroot (considered a superfood) due to its high nitrate content directly regulates  blood pressure . Generally, eating foods rich in nitrates such as celery, cabbage and spinach help.


Black chocolate

Eating huge amounts of chocolate will probably not help your heart . But small quantities can do it! This is because dark chocolate and cocoa powder are foods rich in flavonoids, ie plant ingredients that cause blood vessels to dilate. Many studies show that cocoa flavonoids significantly improve heart health indicators in the short term, which also lowers blood pressure.  The flavanols in dark chocolate make blood vessels more elastic, helping to maintain  blood pressure. at low levels. The better quality, ie the higher the cocoa content, the better. However, because it is fattening, you should not eat more than two small pieces every day )   . For stronger results, use non-alkaline cocoa powder, which has a very high content of flavonoids and no added sugars. 


Eat berries

Berries are full of polyphenols, ie natural plant compounds that are good for your heart. A small study based on middle-aged people who ate berries for eight weeks showed that all participants showed improvement in various indicators of heart health, including blood pressure. Those who eat berries and foods rich in polyphenols reduce the risk of heart disease.

Eat foods rich in magnesium

Magnesium is an important metal that helps blood vessels relax. Although magnesium deficiency is a very rare condition, many people do not get enough. Studies have shown that low magnesium intake is associated with high blood pressure and that a magnesium-rich diet is a recommended way to fight high blood pressure. You can add magnesium to your diet through vegetables, dairy products, legumes, chicken, meat and whole grains.

You should also know:

Here are some dietary tips for hypertensive patients:

  • High intake of fruits and vegetables (4-5 servings of fruits and 4-5 servings of vegetables a day), A  diet high in fruits, vegetables and dairy, fat-free, that is, a diet rich in potassium and calcium, can also help reduce stress .
  • Fish oil: Another natural supplement that helps improve heart health, fish oil resolutely helps people with high blood pressure.
  • High fiber intake (at least 25 g / day)
  • High intake of low fat dairy (2-3 servings / day)
  • High intake of lean meat (2 servings a day 3-4 times a week)
  • High intake of calcium, potassium and magnesium
  • Hibiscus: Rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols, hibiscus is good for your heart and can lower blood pressure. It is usually drunk in the form of tea.
  • Low intake of saturated fats
  • Low cholesterol intake
  • Low salt intake

Tips: Lifestyle Change (Final Touches)

So, if you find increased values ​​of your pressure, then you urgently need to take action starting from a change of basic bad habits of our time.


Calm down in a warm environment

The key is calm and stress management (to reduce the action of adrenaline that causes overstimulation). So you can lie down, or sit comfortably in a warm environment (ie with a blanket, or on a bench in the sun if we are talking about outdoor space) and not think about anything, or recall thoughts and memories that relax you. Low volume calm music helps (of course depending on the person and his psychosynthesis can relax with louder music - this is something subjective). The important thing, however, is the relatively high temperature because it dilates the blood vessels, eventually reducing the pressure. That is why hypertensives are more at risk in winter due to the cold. By the same token, a warm bath or a relaxing massage helps.

Sit or lie down immediately and try to relax. Indeed, the first antidote to hypertension (especially if you are under stress) is calm. This reduces the effect of adrenaline in the blood that causes you to be overstimulated.

It is also important to create a warm environment, ie to cover yourself with a blanket, if you are at home or sitting in the sun, if you are outdoors. The high temperature dilates the blood vessels reducing the pressure. The ideal course is, if conditions allow, to take a hot shower.


Techniques for deep breathing and self-concentration

Then, or in combination with the previous one, there are many techniques of self-concentration and relaxation. In this case, relaxing drinks such as louiza, or techniques such as yoga also help, if of course you like it. The simplest technique is this: take deep and slow breaths using your abdomen with a steady gaze, relaxed limbs and a "passive" mood, without worrying and expelling other thoughts from the mind. Inhale enough air for 4 to 5 seconds, hold for another 3-4 seconds and exhale as slowly as you can (for more than 6 seconds). I do at least 10 such repetitions.

Make a gift for yourself

Once a day, and without exaggeration, it would be good to make a gift to yourself, something that will make you happy, regardless of whether it is perfectly healthy or good. For example, once a week you can eat skewers, or during the day to consume a nice dessert, or a hot drink. Watch a movie in the cinema, while if you are a woman, even simple beauty actions, such as  nail care , will help you relieve stress.


Relax with music and proper lighting

As mentioned before, the right music can help to throw the  blood  your  pressure  up to 3 units! Correspondingly with exercise, this relaxation should be done at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes, in a warm place with low lighting (and not with intense eg red color). Having an aquarium or pet at home helps with the above.

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