Herbs that have the power to enhance memory

Herbs that have the power to significantly enhance your memory were discovered by

researchers from the British University of Northumbria.

Herbs have been shown to enhance long-term memory in healthy adults as well as prospective memory in the elderly.

In particular, mint infusion, in the first case, was associated with a significant improvement in long-term memory and active memory in healthy adults, while the smell of rosemary seemed to act as a "reminder" for the elderly, as it helped them not to forget what obligations must perform during the day and when.

The research findings, presented at the British Psychological Society's annual conference, also suggest that chamomile decoction and the scent of lavender promote relaxation and facilitate sleep.

Rosemary enhances concentration and memory. It can be consumed as a decoction, infusion or in the context of aromatherapy.
According to researchers at the University of Northumbria in Britain, the aroma of rosemary essential oil can improve long-term memory in adults by up to 75%. In particular, it was found that the essential oil can enhance their ability to recall events, as well as to remember in time the tasks they must perform in the future. Previous research has shown that rosemary boosts memory and alertness.
For aromatherapy, you can use 4-5 drops of essential oil in a diffuser. You can also add three drops of rosemary essential oil and three drops of basil essential oil to a diffuser.
Just by smelling rosemary , one can boost one's memory by 75%, researchers claim. Not only that, but he can write better in exams, especially in math!
These "magical" properties of the plant have been known since antiquity in Greece and Rome. In ancient Greece, to be precise, it was considered a gift from the goddess Aphrodite to humans and was used in animal sacrifices - it was burned on altars. The statues of the gods were decorated with it and the students used it as a wreath when studying, thanks to its ability to stimulate the memory.
But can only the smell stimulate the memory to such a great extent?

Mint decoction Researcher Mark Moss of the University of Northumbria in Britain has shown, after studies and experiments in 75-year-olds, that even dried this plant has the ability to send directly to the brain with its aroma volatile substances called terpenes. organic chemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.
These substances enter the bloodstream directly from the nose and lungs and are transported directly to the brain . In addition to memory, they also enhance alertness, regardless of age, thus being a preventive measure to prevent dementia and Alzheimer 's disease .

As for the young people, it turned out that they do much better in their exams with the help of the smell of rosemary. Just three minutes of inhaling these perfumes, either in their natural form or in the form of a distillate, have immediate effects on enhancing memory, as many different and repetitive experiments have clearly shown.
Research at the same University in Northumbria has also found that mint decoction , in
addition to the smell of rosemary, increases memory in adults.

On the other hand, they found that chamomile tends to reduce the speed of perception and memory and has a calming effect , like lavender., which makes both of these herbs good bedtime choices.

Scientists first asked 180 participants to try a decoction of mint , chamomile or plain boiling water and found that one mint helped their memory more than the other two drinks.
More on Mint: Improving Diseases - Side Effects - Interactions

Then lavender and rosemary essential oils were tried on 150 participants over the age of 65. They were randomly placed in rooms where one smelled of rosemary, the other lavender and the third nothing.

Again they noticed that the smell of rosemary improved their memory and alertness as opposed to those in the lavender room or the room that had no smell.
More about rosemary: Rosemary-Rosmarinus officinalis on memory
Scientists discovered the herb fights Dementia and memory increases by 75%
The Greek mountain tea

mountain tea
The mountain tea-the genus Sideritis, which grows in the Greek mountains- can stimulate your memory. Preliminary studies from Germany have shown that mountain tea can protect against Alzheimer's disease. So, to take advantage of this miraculous elixir of memory, start your day with a glass of mountain tea and you will remember us!

In addition, it fills you with energy, as it moisturizes the body and offers it the necessary stimulation, to cope with your demanding daily life, while it has the advantage that it does not cause hyper-stimulation and can be consumed even at night.
More about (Greek) Mountain Tea, against Alzheimer's

Treatment with Ginkgo biloba
The use of GinkgoBiloba leaves (salivuria or ginkgo biloba , Ginkgobiloba) in medicine first appeared in China in 2800 BC. Clinical data have shown that GinkgoBiloba is effective in increasing blood flow to the extremities and brain.

GinkgoBiloba leaves have also been shown to mitigate the adverse effects of platelet-activating factor, including inflammatory reactions associated with the action of the immune system.
Vitamins and Minerals

It is one of the most popular herbal remedies in Europe and the USA. The leaves of this unique tree are an amazing "helper" to enhance and balance mental functions.

For example, a study published in 2014 in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology showed that Ginkgo biloba extracts can improve memory function in middle-aged people.

While, a study included in the Toxicology and Industrial Health review in the September 2013 issue, found that Ginkgo Biloba, in combination with vitamin C can heal the mental damage caused by chronic exposure to fluoride.
And not just fluoride:Ginkgo Biloba: Protects brain and testicles from heavy metals

The herb can improve blood flow to the brain which is important as we age. It can also improve mood, improve memory and reduce problems such as dizziness and tinnitus. Finally, it gives more spiritual clarity to people with Alzheimer's.
More on Ginkgo Biloba: Anti-Aging Vanguard, Especially Brain

Honeysuckle stimulates the brain and enhances memory.
According to research from the University of Northumbria in Britain, this herb enhances memory and soothes the nervous system. In addition, according to research conducted at Newcastle General Hospital in Britain, dried honeysuckle leaves can benefit even Alzheimer 's patients .

B Vitamins B
vitamins are vital for nerve function. Inadequate intake has been linked to concentration problems and limited memory, stress and irritability, as well as emotional fluctuations.
More on B vitamins

Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 is essential for the synthesis of acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is directly related to memory and concentration.
More on Vitamin B5

Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid or Folic acid) increases cerebral perfusion and significantly affects both memory and mood. Folic acid deficiency has been shown to be associated with memory problems, anxiety and mental disorders such as depression .
More on Vitamin B9

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for the development and maintenance of a healthy nervous system. This vitamin is involved in the formation of the myelin sheath around nerve cells, which is essential for the proper functioning of nerves.
Elderly people with high levels of folic acid and vitamin B12 in their blood perform better in terms of short-term and long-term memory, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Participants had been taking folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements for two years.
More on Vitamin B12

Vitamins C and E
Vitamins C and E enhance memory. These vitamins have antioxidant activity, resulting in the destruction of free radicals which negatively affect the function of neurons in the brain.
More on Vitamin C
More on Vitamin E

Zinc is especially important for memory function.
This mineral plays a key role in communication between the neurons of the brain, specifically in the hippocampal area which is related to memory and learning. This conclusion was led by a study by Duke University of America, which was published in the scientific journal Neuron.

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Dietary supplements such as fish oils or herbs that promise to enhance memory (see gingko biloba), do not prevent the decline of mental functions according to a new study.

On the other hand, simple exercises for the mind, such as crossword puzzles or some games (eg Sudoku) can help in this direction.

Past research has shown that herbal supplements, vitamins, and even medicines can help prevent mental retardation in healthy adults.

However, a review conducted by St Michael's Hospital in Toronto found evidence that crossword puzzles and sudoku can have a beneficial effect on enhancing memory and mental functions.

Before reaching the above conclusions, the researchers evaluated 32 previous clinical studies dating back to 1969 in which approximately 25,000 patients participated.

Previous studies have shown that both the omega-3 fats found in fatty fish and the herb gingko bilioda enhance blood flow to the brain. Vitamin B6 has also been found to boost brain function. These findings, however, do not seem to be confirmed by the new study.

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