A World Without Drugs

A video from the isotope: http://www.notodrugs.gr/
Drugs have been part of our culture since the middle of the last century. They became widespread in the 1960s and invaded every area of ​​life through music and the media.
An estimated 208 million people worldwide use illicit substances. In the United States, a 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 19.9 million Americans (or 8% of the population aged 12 and over) used illicit drugs each month. that preceded the investigation.

It is very likely that you know someone who has a direct or indirect relationship with drugs.

The most common drug in the United States is alcohol. Car accidents related to alcohol use or abuse are the second leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States.

The most common drug is marijuana. According to the 2008 United Nations World Drug Report, 3.9% of the world's population between the ages of 15 and 64 use marijuana.

Young people today are exposed to drugs earlier than ever. According to a 2007 survey by the US Centers for Disease Control, 45% of high school students across the country have drunk alcohol and 19.7% have smoked marijuana in one month.

In Europe, recent studies in 15-year-olds have shown that marijuana use ranges from 10% to 40%. The highest rates have been reported for Czech adolescents (44%), followed by Ireland (39%), the United Kingdom (38%) and France (38%). In Spain and the United Kingdom, cocaine use among children is among the top 15. and 16 years old is 4-6%. Cocaine use by young people has increased in Denmark, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Norway and France.

"My purpose in life was not to live. was to be made. During these years I turned to cocaine, marijuana and alcohol, having the false impression that they would allow me to escape my problems. It just made things worse. I kept telling myself that I would stop for good after one last use. It never happened. " - John

"I started with the grass, then with pills (Ecstasy) and LSD, making cocktails with all kinds of drugs, and I even took overdoses to make the symptoms last longer. I had a bad trip one night. I cried and prayed for this feeling to pass, I heard voices in my head, I had tremors and I could not leave the house for six months. I thought everyone was watching me. I could not walk in public places. Wow! I could not even drive.

"I ended up homeless, on the streets, living and sleeping in a cardboard box, begging and trying to find ways to get my next meal." - Ben

© 2006–2017 Foundation for a Drug-Free World. "A World Without Drugs" Foundation.
Posted on 13 Nov 2017 See more videos at  http://www.notodrugs.gr/

'Say No to Drugs' Campaign

"From the day I started using it, I never stopped. Within a week I had started taking it for injection instead of sniffing it. Within a month I was addicted and had wasted all my money. I sold what I had that had some value and then what my mother had. Within a year I had lost everything.

Drug Abuse in Teens is SERIOUS

"I sold my car, lost my job, my mother kicked me out of the house, I owed $ 25,000 in credit cards, and I lived on the streets of Camden, New Jersey. I lied, stole and cheated.

12 Before and After Drug Abuse Victims

"I was raped, beaten, abused, robbed, arrested, left homeless, sick and desperate. I knew that no one could endure this kind of life for long and that death awaited me. After all, death was better than a life as a jerk. ”- Allison

Anti-Drug Use Ad

The Drug-Free World Foundation is a non-profit, non-profit organization that provides young people and adolescents with valid drug information so they can make the right decisions and live a drug-free life.

Anti-Drug Video: Stay up and Study

No one, especially a teenager, likes to be preached about what to do and what not to do. That is why we provide the real data that young people need to know in order to be, above all, the choice not to take drugs. In addition, our Truth About Drugs campaign includes activities that promote a drug-free life in which they can participate. These activities are simple but effective and can involve people of all ages.

Anti-Drug Video: Love Lost

Caution !!! The first thing I did was to show the Videos to my eldest daughter who is 8 years old, Do not hesitate for a second to Inform your children , tell them the truth, show them the harsh images , train them to fight the danger from a young age !!!

Shocking photo collection from the center of Athens

An estimated 13.5 million people worldwide use opioids (opioid-related substances), of which 9.2 million use heroin.
In 2007, 93% of world opium production came from Afghanistan. (Opium is the raw material from which heroin is made). Its total export value was about $ 4 billion, of which about three-quarters was reaped by traffickers. About a quarter went to Afghan opium growers.
The US National Statistics Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2007, states that there were 153,000 heroin users in the US in 2007. Other estimates put the number at 900,000.
Opioids, mainly heroin, are involved in four out of five cases of drug-related deaths in Europe, according to a 2008 report by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addiction.

Opioids - mainly heroin - account for 18% of alcohol and drug admissions in the United States.

 ENGLISH: DOWNLOADS & RESOURCES  The Truth About Drugs Booklet Series  (PDF)
Drug Free Posters & Pledges  (PDF)


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