Slimming and metabolism a multifaceted treatment

What is metabolism: The term basic metabolic rate refers to the total energy
that the body needs every day to meet its vital functions.(eg heart function, maintaining body temperature, respiration) and is equivalent to 60-75% of the energy received through food. It also includes about 25-40% of the energy needed to cope with daily physical activities, such as. walking. The source of this energy is the foods, the components of which (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) are processed by the body in order to meet its needs.

What affects him? 

The basic metabolic rate varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as:
Age The younger one is the faster metabolism one has. Metabolism decreases over the years, mainly because you lose muscle mass and exercise less.
Temperature An increase in body temperature causes an increase in metabolic rate and exposure to low and high temperatures has the same effect.
HormonesThyroxine is a key regulator of metabolism, which increases when its production by the thyroid gland increases and decreases when its production decreases. Adrenaline can also increase metabolism, but to a lesser extent. Another hormone that increases it is leptin, which is mainly produced by adipose tissue fat cells.
The body fat percentage The lower the body fat percentage, the higher the metabolic rate. Thus, men usually have 10-15% higher basal metabolism than women.

Could change; 

As the years go by, the rate of metabolism gradually decreases and after the age of 40 it decreases by 5% for each passing decade. Where does this come from?
In the composition of the body , which changes. Over time, the ratio of adipose tissue to muscle increases, which is to be expected as activity levels fall, but so does table performance. This change results in you having more fat and burning fewer calories.
In the gradual reduction of the rate of secretion of growth hormone and sex hormones (estrogen for women and testosterone for men), which leads to an increase in fat and is associated with reduced activity.

Because metabolism plays a key role in weight loss, we have gathered and presented to you some movements that can give it impetus.

1. Healthy eating

We enrich our diet with plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables , dairy (eg 2% yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese), whole grains and lean meats (eg chicken or turkey breast). Also, when we have a craving for something sweet, we prefer light sweets (eg dark chocolate, jelly, pastels) and try to replace salt with herbs and spices during cooking.

2. The rich breakfast

Starting our day with a good breakfast may sound trivial, but it is extremely important for our body. Breakfast boosts dopamine levels in the brain, which regulates our cravings for high-calorie sweet and savory foods and affects our appetite in general. Those who do not eat breakfast tend to snack more during the day. The options are many: a bowl of whole grain cereal, a boiled egg or a toast with whole wheat bread.

3. Lots of water

Even a slight dehydration can reduce our metabolic rate. That is why we make sure to consume 8-10 glasses of water daily . After all, water also reduces our appetite for food.

4. Regular meals with proper distribution

Metabolism works best when we eat small meals every 3-4 hours . This activates the digestive process and burns calories more easily as they are distributed throughout the day. Also, fluctuations in blood glucose levels are avoided, thus reducing the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas and benefiting our metabolism.

5. The gymnastics

If you want to increase your body burns, wear your sportswear and start exercising . Systematic exercise increases our muscle mass and this in turn activates the metabolism. The more muscular one is, the more burns one makes, even at rest. The most effective exercise is the combination of aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening or the frequent alternations of the type of exercise (eg one day fitness, the next running or cycling, etc.).

6. Away from extreme diets

Deprivation and unbalanced diets only harm our metabolism . With strict diets the first kilos we lose are mainly fluid and then muscle tissue and fat, while when we take them again (inevitably) we take in mainly fat, which makes our metabolism slower. In essence, this is the "yo-yo effect", which when repeated, gradually increases our weight.

7. Pay attention to what we buy

It is good every time we go shopping in the supermarket to make a list of everything we want to buy. This will save us from last minute shopping, which is usually high in calories.

8. The right foods

Diet can not work wonders on its own, but scientists say there are some foods that can boost our metabolism and reduce fat. These include green tea , grapefruit , berries , vinegar , lemon , hot red peppers , curry and almonds . They are basic recipes and you can customize them according to your taste: add sweeteners, use healthier ingredients, use water instead of soda. It will still be incredibly tasty!
See a list of the best recipes with homemade drinks that will help you become healthier, lose weight and be full of energy.

9. Quality Sleep

According to a new study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and published in the journal Obesity, lack of sleep negatively affects the metabolic rate, resulting in more calories stored in the body, ie the number of calories burned in a relaxed state - decreases. almost 3%, which translates to 42 calories, about as much as we get from a bar of chocolate.
The researchers estimate that this outcome is due to the disruption of homeostasis, ie the set of coordinated biological processes that ensure that all the individual systems of the body work together smoothly and function in a balanced way.
The good thing is that the metabolic rate of the participants returned to normal after a 12-hour "hypnotherapy".
Because less sleep means more hours of activity, the body strives to save calories to be able to meet the requirements of the day, so the rate of burning calories is reduced.
Of course, combining the slowing down of the metabolism with the cravings that afflict us when we have not slept well, the results on the scales are not very pleasant in the long run ...
Experts recommend at least seven hours of sleep each night (for adults) , in order to have the energy we need to respond to our daily lives.

What factors affect the basic metabolism


The calculation of the basal metabolic rate is done with direct or indirect calorimetry machines, with the person lying down, calm, lightly dressed, in a comfortable thermal environment (20-25 ° C), and performed at least 12-14 hours after the last meal. However, you can calculate it yourself using the mathematical formulas we present to you. These equations give acceptable results to 45-80% of people, but of course they have their limitations, since each organism is different and these types have been formed based on studies in population groups.

Act 1 
Women:  BM = 655 + (9.6 x B) + (1.8 x Y) - (4.7 x H)
Men:  BM = 66 + (13.7 x B) + (5 x Y) - ( 6.8 x H)
BM = Basic Metabolism, B = Weight in kilograms, Y = Height in centimeters, H = Age in years.
Example:  If a 28-year-old woman weighs 56 kg and is 1.65 m tall, then:
BM = 655 + (9.6 x 56) + (1.8 x 165) - (4.7 x 28) = 655 + 537.6 + 297 - 131.6 = 1,358 calories

Act 2 
Do you know how much you burn every day?
To calculate how much energy you expend through your physical activity, note the activities you do in a 24 hour period, according to the table below:

Activity categoryActivity intensity factor
Sleep or Rest1
Very light work-exercise
Activities in sitting or standing position, typewriter, sewing, ironing, cooking, playing a musical instrument, laboratory work
Light work-exercise
Walking on a flat road with 4-5 km / h, work in a restaurant, house cleaning, carpentry, employment with children, work in a garage, sailing
Moderate work-exercise
Fast walking 5.5-6.5 km / h, load transfer, dancing, skiing, cycling, tennis, garden digging
Heavy work-exercise
Walking uphill with load, basketball, football, digging, mountaineering
Eg: If you slept 8 hours, worked in the office for 8 hours, watched TV for 2 hours, cleaned the house for 4 hours and did high-intensity exercise for
2 hours, multiply the hours of each activity by the corresponding intensity factor and add the results. Then divide the sum by 24 (hours of the day) and the quotient is the indicator of physical activity for that day.

8 hours of sleep x 1 = 8
10 hours of very light work x 1.5 = 15
4 hours of light work x 2.5 = 10
2 hours of heavy work x 7 = 14
Result: 8 + 15 + 10 + 14 = 47
47: 24 = 1.9

Act 3
To find the energy you expend through your basal metabolism and physical activity, multiply the calories of your basal metabolic rate by your physical activity index. The final number corresponds to the calories you need to take in daily to maintain your weight. That is, in the example above: Total Energy = 1,358 calories x 1.9 = 2,580.2 calories.

BASIC METABOLISM: How we activate it and what role hormones play

Men vs women

In this competition, the winners are men, as by nature they have more muscle mass and lower body fat than women. They are also bulkier and need more energy to maintain. The annoying thing about this story is that men burn more calories even when they are sitting. Thus, a 35-year-old woman who weighs 80 kg and leads a sedentary lifestyle should consume 350 calories less per day than a man with the same characteristics in order not to gain weight.

What is the role of heredity?

It is a fact that some people are born with a "faster" metabolism and others with a "slower". Two people of the same sex, with the same weight, height, muscle mass and similar habits can have as much as 300 calories difference in the total calories they need daily to maintain their weight. And if you are wondering what the 300 calories correspond to, they are equivalent to about 1 toast with turkey and cheese or 1 serving of lentils.

Are there situations that increase it?

The basal metabolic rate is also affected by conditions such as pregnancy and lactation, where there are increased energy requirements due to fetal development and milk production respectively. Also, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation) there is a slight increase, due to the increase in progesterone and temperature. Still, it can be increased by certain diseases, such as hyperthyroidism and febrile conditions, as well as taking medications (eg antihypertensives) that stimulate the sympathetic system.

Women's ups and downs

There are times in a woman's life when her metabolism seems to be increasing. One of them is the period after ovulation up to two days before the beginning of the next period. This seems to be due to the fact that reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone) are at high levels, which favors fat burning. Also, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the pregnant woman can gain the most kilos, but she also makes the most burns. The body's needs during this period are increased by 200 calories per day, while during breastfeeding the needs increase by 500 calories per day. On the other hand, usually in the period before and during menopause, a woman can gain 5-7 kg, an increase that is partly due to the decrease in physical activity. However, according to other theories, It may also be due to a decrease in thyroid function, as limited production of thyroxine may cause a decrease in metabolism. Another cause may be the body's attempt to cover the reduced secretion of estrogen, resulting in increased fat (as fat cells have the ability to convert other hormones into estrogen).

What you can do When you get out of bed

Start the day smart

Do you want to increase your metabolism? Do not skip breakfast. Research shows that a good breakfast can increase it and contribute catalytically to weight loss. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who skipped breakfast regularly were 4.5 times more likely to be obese than those who ate. The former had a developed appetite for the rest of the day resulting in consuming more calories.
Also, when you eat breakfast, you burn more calories by the time of the next meal, which is probably because the metabolic rate decreases during sleep and breakfast restores it to its normal rhythm.

Mostly in the morning
According to another study, published in the above journal and in which more than 6,500 men and women participated, the distribution of daily caloric intake in such a way that more is consumed in the morning and less in the evening can help reduce weight gain. in adults.
Daily breakfast consumption is associated with maintaining or even losing weight, which is related to the action of insulin in the process of lipogenesis. In other words, fasting for hours increases the levels of insulin in the blood, which promotes lipogenesis, ie the conversion of food into fat.

Like the Chinese

Could green tea be the magic potion you are looking for to boost your metabolism? Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but there's plenty of research to suggest that regular consumption seems to play a role in weight loss and weight maintenance. The antioxidant catechins and caffeine it contains appear to affect the process of lipolysis and thermogenesis.

Morning excursion

Aerobic exercise can really boost your metabolic rate. In fact, the hours when simple aerobic exercise can have the greatest effect on its growth are in the morning. When you wake up, your carbohydrate stores are very low, so gentle aerobic exercise can activate fat burning.

How can we make our metabolism run?

When you are at work

Proper snacks
Eating the right snacks can help boost heartburn. Eating healthy snacks in the right amount - not double portion - will help you avoid falling face down on food because you are hungry like wolves. However, make sure that every snack includes complex carbohydrates and protein, because their combination helps regulate blood sugar and energy levels.

Do not forget the protein
The protein in every meal will help you "build" and maintain your muscles. This does not mean that you should follow protein diets, but that it is good that 15-20% of your daily calories come from low-fat protein sources, such as lean cheese, a small can of tuna, a boiled egg, unsalted dry fruits.

Gargling water
If you are slightly dehydrated, your metabolism may drop. Generally, it is good to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but an amount that can vary depending on the outside temperature, weight and physical activity. So especially when exercising, try to drink extra water before, during and after exercise. A University of Utah study found that people who drank 8-12 glasses of water a day (1 glass = 340 ml) had significantly higher basal metabolic rates than those who drank 4 glasses.
Also, ice water seems to increase metabolism even slightly, as the body tries to bring its temperature to that of the body. The calories you will burn every day may be small, but in the long run they are measurable and in fact you will have "burned" them without any effort.

Good stress
Active people and those exposed to mild stress have a faster metabolic rate. Stress increases the secretion of certain hormones, such as adrenaline, which can increase the rate at which calories are burned. But things are different when the stress is not temporary, but chronic. In this case the metabolism becomes slower and causes weight gain, as the stress hormones (cortisol) promote the storage of fat, especially in the abdomen.

When you are at home

Not on deprivation diets
Deprivation diets reduce the metabolic rate. How; When you follow an unbalanced diet, the first few pounds you lose are mostly fluid and then muscle and fat. Unfortunately, when you take them again (which is common in low calorie diets), you mainly get fat again. Also, when you consume fewer calories than you need, your body "recognizes" malnutrition as a threat and defends itself. Thus, it lowers the metabolic rate to save energy, and stores fat. Finally, there is the thermogenesis due to food, ie the production of heat in the body from the consumption of food, when the body begins the process of digestion. The amount of heat depends on the type of food and the calories it contains.

Many and small meals
Every time you eat your body burns an amount of calories for the process of digestion. The more times you force your digestive system to work, the more calories you burn, so many small meals (every 3-4 hours) are preferable to a large one. Metabolic rate is faster if meals consist of lean protein and complex carbohydrates (eg legumes, fruits, vegetables). In addition, by eating 6 times a day, you distribute calories and carbohydrates in the respective meals, thus avoiding ups and downs in blood glucose levels.

Lower the temperature
Here's a way to save money and increase your burning. Next winter, set the heating of your house 2 degrees lower than usual. The body's energy needs for maintenance are greater when it is cold than when it is hot, so in winter the basic metabolic rate of all is higher.

Go to bed early
When you do not get enough sleep, you tend to gain weight, as the body "detunes" and the metabolism becomes slower. In fact, researchers at Stanford University who did not get enough sleep for several hours had decreased levels of leptin and increased levels of ghrelin (hormones that regulate appetite). These differences are likely to increase appetite, possibly explaining the increased Body Mass Index of those who do not get enough sleep.

Something is burning
If you like spicy foods and always add a little hot pepper to your sauces, you have one more reason to rejoice, as it contains a substance, capsaicin, which stimulates the circulatory system and raises body temperature. However, black pepper also increases thermogenesis, thanks to the substance piperine it contains, which affects the nervous system.

When you exercise

Muscle strength
Your body burns calories, even at rest, to supply its basic functions. This basic metabolic rate is higher in people with more muscle tissue, so be sure to do muscle strengthening exercises twice a week. These exercises include movements in which you have to overcome a resistance, e.g. weights or rubber bands, and directly affect muscle tissue. In addition, after such a workout, the muscles are activated and the average daily metabolic rate increases.

Maximum result
1. To maximize your metabolism, you need to combine aerobic exercise with muscle strengthening exercises.
2. Another way to increase it is the interval training, which means that you do 3-4΄ running, then relax jogging and repeat this alternation 4-5 times. Thus, you will have a greater increase in metabolic rate than if you did 30΄ exercise with constant intensity.
3. Avoid doing the same things over and over again. You do not have to walk every day or always run on the treadmill in the gym, try swimming or cycling or stepper in the gym. Change the stimuli your body receives to activate your metabolism.

On the go
Aerobic exercise includes running, swimming, cycling, dancing and it is good to do 3-5 times a week for about 30΄ at a time. It may not lead to muscle growth, but it does increase the metabolic rate for a few hours after training. In fact, if your fitness and health allow it, try higher intensity programs for better results.

When you are in the supermarket

B vitamins and magnesium B
vitamins play a central role in the functioning of the central nervous system, in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and in energy production. Lack of them can, among other things, slow down the metabolism. Foods rich in them are asparagus, broccoli, eggs.
Magnesium is also essential because it is used in many processes, including proper muscle function, the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and metabolism. You get magnesium from green leafy vegetables, but also from nuts and whole grains.

In the fridge for yogurt
For two weeks now, watch your diet and control the amounts you consume. Suddenly, though, you're obsessed with french fries. What to do; Experts advise you not to give in to temptation, as long as you are restrained in the amount you consume. But now you have another choice. Enjoy your potatoes at noon and eat a low-fat yogurt in the afternoon. According to research from the University of Copenhagen, increased calcium intake from dairy products helps the body metabolize fat more efficiently, an effect that was not observed when calcium was taken through supplements.

Vote organic
A Canadian study found that participants who had the highest levels of organochlorine compounds, such as organochlorine pesticides, stored in their fat cells were more prone to mitochondrial dysfunction. These substances also appear to affect leptin levels. What will they say? That your metabolic rate is falling. Therefore, you prefer foods that are not loaded with pesticides.

Invest in iron
Women "lose" iron every month during their period. This loss can block the metabolism, as this trace element helps to transport oxygen to the muscles. So, if you do not have enough iron, the muscles do not get enough oxygen, the energy drops and the metabolism derails. So get it through foods like red meat, liver and oatmeal.

Go fishing
Sardines can help boost your metabolism. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the combination of omega-3 fatty acid supplements and regular aerobic exercise can reduce body fat. This combination causes a "surprise" in the body of what fuel it will use to produce energy, encouraging the oxidation of fat and not its storage.


Cucumber drink for fat loss

  • 1 cucumber
  • a bunch of parsley or coriander
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
  • 1/2 glass of water
How to make it:
Squeeze the above ingredients into a single drink and consume it before going to bed. You can continue it for a month and then take a break for a week. If necessary, you can start the cycle again.

Drink with fresh cucumber and lime

  • 1 lime
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 large orange
  • honey depending on taste
  • mint depending on taste
  • 1 liter of carbonated water

How to make it:
Melt one cucumber in a blender and cut the other into round slices. Extract the juice from the orange and lime. Combine the cucumbers, juice and honey in a large jug and mix together. Add the soda and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Drink with pear and sage

  • 10 fresh sage leaves
  • 1 lime
  • 250 ml pear juice (freshly squeezed or packaged)
  • 250 ml of carbonated water
  • 1 pear
  • ice

How to make it:
Cut the lime and pear into cubes and put them in a jug. Add the sage, after you have first melted it with a fork. Crush the ice using a food processor or blender. Add the crushed ice, pear juice and carbonated water and mix your drink.

Drink with grapefruit and cinnamon

  • 500 ml grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed or packaged)
  • 500 ml of carbonated water
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • seeds from 1 anise
  • mint leaves
  • ice
  • sweetener if desired
How to make it:
Combine sweetener, water and cinnamon in a saucepan and make syrup. Simmer for five to ten minutes until the sweetener has melted. Let it cool. Mix together the juice, syrup and carbonated water in a jug. Add ice and garnish with mint and anise.

Energy drink with lemon

  • 5 lemons
  • 1 liter of carbonated water
  • mint
  • ice
How to make it:
Squeeze the juice of four lemons. Cut the last lemon into slices. Combine the juice and carbonated water in a jar. Serve the lemonade with ice and mint.

Spicy Indian HOT drink  !!!

  • 4 limes
  • ginger depending on taste
  • mint
  • 1 liter of carbonated water
  • 1/2 glass of water
  • ice
  • sweetener if desired

How to make it:
Squeeze the juice from the limes. Combine sweetener and 1/2 glass of water in a saucepan and simmer until the sweetener melts. Grate the ginger and add it to the syrup. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat and cool the syrup. Add the lime juice, carbonated water and ice. Garnish the drink with mint and lime slices.


  • 1 liter of natural apple juice (freshly squeezed or packaged)
  • mint
  • 100 ml of lemon juice
  • 1 sliced ​​lemon
  • ice

How to make it:
Cut the lemon into circles. Combine apple and lemon juice in a jug. Add the lemon slices, mint and ice. You can serve the drink with apple slices.

Vegetable drink

  • 1 liter of carbonated water
  • 3 cucumbers
  • 1 large red pepper
  • 1 lime
  • 3 lemons
  • mint leaves or tarragon
  • ice
  • sweetener if desired
How to make it:
Chop the pepper and the two cucumbers and sprinkle with sweetener one hour before preparing the drink. Chop the last cucumber and a lemon. Take the lemon zest and squeeze the juice. Then take out the juice of the two lemons.
Put the mint (or tarragon) in a jug. Add the lime zest and the lemon slices, the cucumbers and the pepper while it is still wet. Add the limes, lemon juice and carbonated water. Add the crushed ice. Garnish the glasses with lemon and cucumber slices.

Pineapple drink

  • 1 liter of carbonated water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 can of pineapple with its juice
  • mint
How to make it:
Boil the water in a saucepan. Take the lemon zest and squeeze the juice. Add sweetener to the water and simmer until completely melted. Then add the lemon zest and remove the pan from the heat. Pour the syrup into a jug through a sieve. Add the lemon and pineapple juice.
Chop the pineapple and add it to the drink. Allow to cool to room temperature and refrigerate. Garnish with fresh pineapple slices before serving.

Drink with strawberry and fresh herbs

  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 lime
  • mint and tarragon
  • strawberries
  • 1 liter of carbonated water
  • 100 ml of water
  • ice
How to make it:
Put the lime and lemon juice in a jug and pour in the lemon cups. Cut the strawberries in half. Add the strawberries and herbs. Pour hot water and let it stand for some time to get flavor and aroma. Remove the lemon cups and let the drink cool. Add the carbonated water and ice and garnish the jug with lime slices.

# Read the following warning carefully

Please  note that the information published relates to links to books and websites on herbs and nutrition available on the internet, we are neither responsible nor recommend their use, please contact the relevant Doctors, and the authors of the books and articles for more information. And especially in serious health issues such as this, get instructions immediately EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR  who is the only one who is competent to judge how medication should be combined with diet. 
In any case , before you decide to try any alternative illness / disease fight is wise to first contact the staff * your (* attending) doctor, who will advise you appropriately.
Be careful  not to use any herbs or oils that you are  allergic to.  While you should never exceed the  dosages  (consult only Specialist). 
Caution in  pregnancy  and  breastfeeding  before using herbs  take direct instructions solely by your gynecologist. 

Caution  Instructions for use of herbs
Instructions for use
Medicinal herbs should be consumed with caution and with the consent of the doctor, especially by those who take other drugs or have serious health problems, but also by pregnant women, nursing mothers and of course children and adolescents.
Medicinal herbs are not a panacea, nor should we consume them in moderation and with the expectation that they will cure all diseases.
Anything that is natural does not mean that it is completely safe. Thus, medicinal plants should be used wisely and on the advice of experts who know them well.
The quantities in which we can or should consume medicinal plants are very difficult to determine precisely. The correct dosage depends on many factors, such as age, physique, illness of the person consuming them, as well as whether he is taking other medications or has other health problems. On the other hand, we need to keep in mind that not all herbs, no matter where they come from, have the same activity, as it varies depending on various factors, cultivation, harvest, drying, storage, etc. Generally we can say that a sufficient amount for an adult who has taken into account all the contraindications is one cup of infusion or decoction at a time. For more tips, or for systematic use, 
Their forms
The plant is boiled together with water, usually for 5-10΄, and then filtered. Used for woody parts such as roots or bark. 
It is a method suitable for leaves, flowers and petals, but not for the roots. It is also used when we do not want the volatile ingredients to leave, as in the case of aromatic plants. To prepare it, boil water, remove from the heat and add the herb. Then, leave the mixture like this for 5-10΄ and then filter it. 
Where do we find the most active? 
It is a common misconception that wild plants are more active than cultivated plants. When the cultivated plants, the care of the plants and the season of collection, storage (dark places and not wet) and drying (when needed) are correct, then no significant differences are observed from the wild ones. It is also important to consume herbs no later than one year from the time of collection.
** Excerpt from an article by  in collaboration with dr. ELENI SKALTSA, Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Athens.

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Caution: The informations contained on this blog is provided for general and educational purposes only and must never be considered a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical professional. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription medicines, are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals before beginning any nutrition or lifestyle programme. This blog does not take responsibility for possible health consequences for any person following the information in the educational content. The information contained on this blog are from Websites, articles, books that exist on the internet we are not responsible and do not recommend their use, please for more information contact the competent Doctors, and the authors of the books or articles.
Warning: If you decide to use a general and educational information talk with your Personal Doctor.The information on this blog are Reblogs from resources/links/books available on web/internet and we are not responsible for and we do not recommending their use, please contact with a relevant Doctors and with the authors of the books/articles for more information. In any case get instructions immediately EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR who is the only one who is competent to judge how medication should be combined with a herb/recipe/diet. In any case: before you decide to try any info/herb/recipe/diet is importand to contact with your (therapist) doctor, who will advise you appropriately. Warning do not use any herbs or recipes if you are allergic to. Warning: never exceed the dosages (contact with a specialist Doctors). Warning: in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding before using herbs take direct instructions solely by your gynecologist. Caution: Read the Instructions for herbs and Recipes . Caution: Read and Agreed with the Terms of use of this blog.