Make New Weight Loss Cream Almost Free To Reduce Your Belly Fat

New Weight Loss Cream to reduce your belly fat, with very cheap ingredients, and almost Zero cost , you can make it yourself in 5 minutes, try it and tell us the results.(The original video from India we posted has a display problem and we replaced it with a similar one)

  • Volcanic alum stone   (It is a very cheap material, but now even if we do not have this material does not make the difference, it is more for the consistency of the cream)
  • Viks - the common viks for colds
  • Baking soda
  • Membrane

Method of preparation mix all the ingredients as shown in the video and then spread it on the abdomen and cover with a film for 2 hours and then rinse


  • (Optional) Now that I tried it, I also used a waist tightening belt over the membrane
  • (Optional) The cream from what I saw has a warming and sweating effect , if it is exercised at the same time it has better results (You get warmer and sweat more)

Alum Powder

Alum crystals
is a natural mineral that is mainly used in cleaning products, moisturizers, face powders, deodorants, etc. Deodorants provide effective protection by inhibiting the growth of odor-causing bacteria, and make it an alternative to the commonly used synthetic active ingredients. 
In addition, Alum Powder has astringent properties and can be used in shaving products, facial care, etc. It provides antiseptic and antimicrobial benefits, while helping to tone and tighten the skin.

What exactly is Soda? These are mineral salts found in the ashes of algae and plants, as well as in the water that gushes in stony areas, rich in calcium, sodium and potassium.
Recently, the multiple virtues of baking soda are becoming more and more prominent. So it's worth a mention of this simple but miraculous substance.
The name soda characterizes two compounds of sodium:

A) sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 which is baking soda or baking soda or baking soda, in the form of white powder

B) Sodium carbonate - Carbonate Soda, or washing soda, in white crystalline form.

Here we refer to the baking soda whose names testify that in the past it was used mainly in cooking and confectionery as a leavening substance "baking soda, baking powder", but also as a digestive.

For our health
Soda not only serves as a digestive, but you can use it to soothe skin irritations, eye stings and muscle cramps.

For the stomach: Half a tablespoon of baking soda in half a glass of water or orange or lemon juice fights sourness and heartburn, without impeding digestion.

Eye drops: Frequent washes with water and soda are useful for inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctivitis. It also serves as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. For barley on the eyelids, soda can solve the problem.

Fights tooth decay, whitens teeth: Rinses with water and soda (a teaspoon of soda in two cups of water), fights the germs that cause tooth decay. Makes teeth strong, healthy and fights gingivitis. If once a week we brush our teeth only with soda, they will turn white.

Refreshes the breath: put a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water, rinse your mouth, chew and rinse. Odor is not masked but neutralized.

For sensitive areas: Soda has an antiseptic effect. Inhibits the multiplication of germs. Doing external washes with lukewarm water, you have dissolved a teaspoon of soda in a liter of water during the period, 2-4 times a day. The same goes for mild vaginitis or if you use tampons.

For muscle aches and cramps: Just a teaspoon in a glass of water is enough to relieve.

For tired feet: take a foot bath in lukewarm water with soda. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl of warm water and soak your feet. Rub lightly. The best spa for your sore feet!

For fungal infections: For fungal infections of the feet between the toes, blisters and itching from insect bites, dissolve soda in water and take foot baths, or smears on the bite points.

As a deodorant: It works as a deodorant and antifungal, dab a little baking soda on your armpit to neutralize odors.

This popular ointment is normally used to treat coughs, headaches, stuffy noses and chest and throat pains. However, it seems that this magic jar works wonders in other, unexpected cases, which had not even crossed your mind!

Read below and you will understand why from now on you should always have some Vicks at home:

1. Relieves headaches
Vicks contains menthol, which is extremely beneficial for immediate headache relief. All you have to do is put some ointment under your nose and take deep breaths!

2. Repels mosquitoes
VapoRub's strong mint scent keeps mosquitoes away! Just rub a small amount over your clothes and skin.

3. Cures acne
If you have acne problems or some kind of skin irritation, apply a little of the mixture on the irritated area and repeat several times a day. You will be impressed by the result!

4. Removes insects
If you like picnics and nature trips in general, you no longer need to worry about the bugs that live there. Rub a little Vicks on the neck, on the locks of the knees, on the elbows and behind your ears. Also, leaving the jar open, the flies make wings!

5. Eliminates bruises
Accelerate the disappearance of annoying bruises by spreading a little Vicks on them with a pinch of salt! This mixture prevents various discoloration and swelling!

6. Relieves swollen muscles
Use this miraculous ointment to massage your aching muscles. After the massage, wrap the area that causes you discomfort with a warm and dry towel. Then lie down and relax until the pain subsides! For faster relief you can repeat the procedure up to three times a day.

7. Moisturizes the skin
If you have dry skin, VapoRub is what you need to fight dryness and hydrate it!

8. Epicondylitis
You can easily relieve the pain of epicondylitis by rubbing a little Vicks on the inflamed area. VapoRub contains menthol and camphor, two substances which are extremely beneficial in terms of muscle pain.

9. Cracked heels
In order to soften and restore your heels to their normal, healthy look, spread a little Vicks on them and then put on a pair of warm socks. Leave it on until morning and then rinse with water. Then if you want you can exfoliate with a pumice stone. By applying this treatment every night, your heels will soon look like those of a baby!

10. Nail Fungus
Vicks successfully cures nail fungus, as long as you rub a small amount on them twice a day and then wear cotton socks to let it work in a warm environment. Slowly cutting your nails you will find that the infected pieces disappear!

11. Relieves sore throat and cough
Gently rub a little Vicks on your neck and chest and do not worry!

12. Protect your furniture from your pet
Spread a quantity of Vicks on your walls, furniture and windows and your cats will stay away from them!

13. Protects against infections in cuts
As you will have already noticed by now Vicks has healing properties, which means that it accelerates wound healing and protects against possible risks of infection.

14. Racehorses
On race day, professional runners put this ointment under their horses' nostrils to distract them from the smells of female ponies, thus ensuring that they stay focused on their race!

15. Stretch marks
Put some Vicks on your stretch marks, 2 to 3 times a week and watch them gradually decrease!

16. Define the places where your dog will NOT urinate
Prevent your dog from urinating on the carpet by opening a Vicks jar and leaving it in the area you do not want to mark!

17. Treats eczema
Relieve the itching caused by eczema and the capsule feeling that afflicts you by simply putting a small amount of Vicks on the irritated area.

18. Relieves ear pain
To relieve ear pain immediately, dip a small cotton ball into the ointment and then put it in your ear. Alternatively, you can heat a clove of garlic in the microwave, put some Vicks on one end and carefully place the garlic in your ear, according to diaforetiko.

19. Relieves Athletes' Feet
Athletes, all they have to do if they want to relieve foot pain, is to massage Vicks in these areas twice a day.

20. Get rid of the roses
Oh yes, that's where Vicks grace comes in! Just put a small amount on the roses and cover them with a gauze. If you apply this treatment regularly, the roses will fall off in just 2 weeks!


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