Low back pain in the neck lumbago - Physical treatment - Physiotherapy - Chiropractic

Lower back pain and lower back pain Low and lower back pain may differ from dull pain which Gradual to sudden or sudden or persistent pain that you feel below the waist Unfortunately, almost everyone, at some point in life can experience back pain that can move down to the buttocks and sometimes to one or both down extremities. The most common cause is muscle strain that is often associated with heavy physical work, lifting or strenuous movement, bending or twisting in difficult positions or standing in a position for too long.
ATTENTION  !!! Before starting any exercise, first consult your doctor !!! 

Physiotherapy Exercises for the Waist

Other Causes of Low and Lower Back Pain
There are many different conditions that cause or lead to lower and lower bone pain. Many are involved in nerve compression (eg nerve stinging) which can cause pain and other ailments. Types of spinal disorders include trauma-related diseases and degenerative diseases. which means age. Some of these spine problems are given below.

  • Implanted or herniated disc. A disc may swell outwards. A hernia disc occurs when the soft inner material escapes a crack or ruptures through the protective outer layer of the disc. Both disc problems can lead to nerve compression, inflammation and pain.
  • Spinal stenosis develops when the spinal canal or nerve passage narrows abnormally.
  • Spinal arthritis, also called vertebral osteoarthritis or spondylosis, is a common degenerative problem of the spine. It affects the joints of the spine and can contribute to the development of olfactory bones.
  • Spondylolisthesis occurs when a lumbar (low back) vertebral body slides forward over the vertebra below it.
  • Spinal fractures (types of explosion or compression) are often caused by some type of injury (eg fall).
  • Osteomyelitis is a bacterial infection that can develop in one of the bones of the spine.
  • Spinal tumors are an abnormal cell growth (a mass) and are recognized as benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancer).
Improving pain at home
If you have recently injured your lower back or lower back, there are some things you can do. Ice and then heat. For the first 24 to 48 hours, use ice wrapped in a towel or cloth. Ice will help reduce swelling, muscle spasms and pain. Then switch to heat. The heat helps with the heat and relaxes the sore tissues.
Caution: !!! Never use a cold or heat source directly on the skin, do not always wrap it in anything.
Medicines:  ATTENTION !!! : Contact your doctor immediately: who will give you anti-inflammatory drugs such as Tylenol or Advil, taken as directed by your doctor, can help reduce inflammation and pain (© dralexjimenez.com ) also always in consultation with your doctor You can  Use  Herbs
Calm:  While bed rest days are no longer recommended , you may need to modify your daily routine to give your lower back a chance to recover.

Attention - Warning !!! Read and agree to the Terms of Use of the Website, the information published relates to links to books and Isotopes for herbs and nutrition available on the internet we are neither responsible nor recommend their use, please contact the relevant Doctors and their authors for more information books and articles. And especially in serious health issues, get immediate instructions EXCLUSIVELY AND ONLY FROM THE COMPETENT DOCTOR who is the only one who can judge how medication should be combined  with diet .
In any case,  before you decide to try any alternative method of fighting an illness / disease, it is wise to first contact your * personal (* therapist) doctor, who will advise you accordingly.
Caution!!!  do not use any herbs or oils to which you are allergic. While you should never exceed -dosages (consult only Specialist).
Caution !!!  in  pregnancy  and  lactation  before the use of herbs get immediate instructions exclusively from your gynecologist.

When to seek medical attention
  • Low back pain is or becomes severe and persistent
  • Low back pain is or becomes severe and persistent
  • It does not subside after a few days
  • It affects sleep and daily activities
Chronic and acute back pain (lumbago) and its treatment - "NaMaSte" 7/3/16  Mckenzie Exercises 

SOS Low back pain relief exercises
How to Fix “Low Back” Pain (INSTANTLY!)
Low back pain is by far the most common source of discomfort we are dealing with. The irony is, many times what we feel has its roots in the lower back is actually caused by the muscles not in the back at all. In this video, I'm going to show you how the glute muscle could be the real cause of your back pain and a quick exercise you can do to relieve your pain right away. Once gone, I'm also going to show you some extra exercises you can do to make sure your low back pain never comes back.

The medial gluteus is inserted between the maximus glute and minimus and is located in and around the hip area. The role of the muscle is to abduct your hip or lift your leg to the side either standing or to the side and hold your pelvis level every time you take a step. Prolonged sitting during the day as well as a Uneven weight distribution when standing is two of the most common reasons for this muscle to get weak and balanced.

You can quickly check to see if you have the background of a weak gluteus muscle by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and lifting one leg off the ground. First note whether or not your opposite hip is significantly reduced. If it does, it would indicate glute weakness on that side. You will repeat with the opposite leg as well. When you do this, I would also like to see if I should dramatically shift your weight to one side just to lift that leg off the ground. If you do, this will mean that you have an uneven weight distribution when standing and it would be especially annoying when squatting.

To fix this quickly, you will want to lay down on the ground with your injured side at the top. If your right lower back is bothering you, then they will want to be on your left hip. From here, take your thumb and place it on the most painful area. You should feel that this will only happen on the outside of the bony protrusion of your pelvis. From here, push to hold the trigger point and start flossing your foot down and in front of you and then back and up. Your hip should extend and then rise in abduction toward the ceiling (which is sure to point the toes down to keep the glute muscle in focus). Do this about 10 times until you feel the tension in the release of the muscles.

Now, you can burn the spasm to the point of triggering it into the fully timid posture of the gluteus muscle and holding it as long as you can. In general, because this muscle is often very weak, it may not be longer than 30 seconds to a minute. Once you can no longer hold it they will stand up and you should notice an immediate pain relief on that side.

This is the quick fix, but not the permanent solution to this problem. As the main cause is the weakness of the middle gluteus muscle you will want to support it with some exercises for your low back that you can do a few times a week. I will show you three options for this purpose. The first is the impact of the hip against the wall. The second is called the swinger bag, and can be done with a dog leash if you do not have a formal dive belt. The latter is really doing the same move it did for the treatment, but this time as a boost of exercise for your lower back.

Whatever you do, just make sure it is consistent. You will also find that it relieves tension in this muscle which squats your performance as well. Your depth should increase and any low back pain felt while doing the exercise should pass by the time you are now able to do them with the same force on each leg.

If you are looking for a program that puts science back in power in every workout, head to http://athleanx.com and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start not only looks like an athlete, but feels like one as you can take your training seriously and take your results to the next level.

If you are looking for more exercises and stretches for low back pain, as well as exercises that you can do with lower back pain, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at http://youtube.com/user/jdcav24
Choose your program here - http://athleanx.com/x/my-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW

2. General back pain
The spine and back are made to provide great strength, protecting the extremely sensitive spinal cord and nerve roots, while still being flexible, providing freedom in all directions. However, there are many different parts of the spine that can cause back pain, such as irritation of the large roots of the nerves running under the arms and legs, irritation of the small nerves inside the spine, and strains of the large muscles. of the back, any injury to the disc, bones, joints or ligaments in the spine.
Acute back pain comes on suddenly and usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Chronic back pain is typically described as lasting more than three months.

Back pain can take on a wide variety of features:

  • The pain may be constant, intermittent, or simply present with certain positions or actions
  • The pain may remain in one area or radiate to other areas
  • It can be a dull ache or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation
  • The subject may be in the neck or lower back, but it may radiate to the leg or foot (sciatica), arm or arm.
Fortunately, most types of back pain are better on their own: about 50% of people can experience relief from back pain within two weeks and 90% within three months.
If the pain lasts for a few days, gets worse, does not respond to back pain remedies such as rest, heat or ice, back pain exercises and pain relievers beyond the pancreas, then it is usually good idea to see back doctor. There are two cases in which emergency medical care is required:
  • Bowel and / or bladder disorder
Fortunately, these conditions are rare.


Diagnostic tests may indicate whether a patient's back pain is the result of an anatomical cause. However, because diagnostic evaluations are not a diagnosis, achieving an accurate clinical diagnosis requires any evaluation to correlate with the patient's back pain symptoms and physical examinations.
  • X-ray. This test provides information about the bones in the spine. An x-ray is often used to assess spinal instability (such as slippage), tumors, and fractures.
  • Computed tomography. This test is a very detailed x-ray that includes cross-sectional images. CT scans provide specific details about the bones in the spine. They can also be used to test for specific conditions, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. CT scans tend to be less accurate for spinal disorders than MRI scans.
  • MRI scans are especially useful for evaluating certain conditions by providing details of the intervertebral disc and nerve roots (which may be irritated or wrinkled). MRI scans are used to rule out spinal cord infections or tumors.
Injections can also be used to help diagnose specific types of pain. If an injection of a pain reliever in a specific area of ​​the skeleton provides relief from back pain, than confirms that this is the area causing the pain.
ATTENTION  !!! Before starting any exercise, first consult your doctor !!! 

Physiotherapy Shoulder Exercises


The longest cause of lower back pain is muscle strain or other soft tissue damage. Although this condition is not serious, it can be severely painful. Usually, lower extremity pain from a muscle strain will probably improve within a few weeks.
Treatment generally includes a short rest period, restriction of activity, use of hot packs or cold packs, and pain medications. Over the counter medications used to treat muscle strain may include acetaminophen (eg Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), Motrin or naproxen (eg Aleve). Prescription pain medications may be recommended for severe back pain.
Typically, younger people  (30 to 60 years old)  are more likely to have back pain from the disc space itself (eg lumbar disc herniation or degenerative disc disease). Older adults  (eg over 60)  are more likely to suffer from joint pain associated with degeneration (eg osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis).
Sometimes, a patient may feel more noticeable pain in the legs, as opposed to back pain as a result of certain conditions in the lower spine, such as:
  • Lumbar disc:  The inner core of the disc can cause and irritate a nearby nerve root, causing sciatica (pain in the legs).
  • Lumbar spine stenosis.  The spinal canal narrows due to degeneration, which can put pressure on the nerve root and lead to sciatica.
  • Degenerative disc disease.  As the disc degenerates, it can allow small amounts of movement in this part of the spine and irritate a nerve root and lead to sciatica.
  • Isthmic spondylolysis.  A small stress fracture allows one vertebra to slide forward into another, usually at the base of the spine. This can sting the nerve, causing back pain and leg pain.
  • Osteoarthritis . Degeneration of small joints in the back of the spine can lead to back pain and reduced flexibility. It can also lead to narrowing of the spine and cervical nerves.
It is important to know the underlying condition that is the cause of the back pain, as remedies often vary depending on the causes of the back pain.


There are many risk factors for back pain, such as aging, genetics, occupational hazards, lifestyle, weight, posture, smoking and pregnancy. With that said, back pain is so prevalent that it can strike even if you have no risk factors at all.
Patients with one or more of these factors may be at risk for back pain:
  • Aging.  Over the years, wear and tear on the spine can lead to conditions (eg disc degeneration, spinal stenosis) that cause back and neck pain. People in their 30s and 60s are more likely to have disc-related illnesses, while people over the age of 60 are more likely to have osteoarthritis-related pain.
  • Genetics.  There is some evidence that certain types of spinal disorders have a genetic component. For example, degenerative disc disease appears to have an inherited component.
  • Occupational risks.  Any work that requires repetitive bending and lifting has a higher incidence of back injury (eg manufacturer, nurse). Jobs that require long hours of uninterrupted stay (eg barber) or sitting in a chair (eg software programmer) that do not support the spine put the person at greater risk.
  • Sedentary life.  Lack of regular exercise increases the risk of lower back pain, it also increases the severity of the pain.
  • Weight.  Being overweight increases the tension in the lower back, in addition to the other joints (eg knees) and is a risk factor for some types of back pain symptoms.
  • Bad attitude . Any type of bad posture that prolongs over time poses a risk of back pain. Examples include sliding over a computer keyboard, driving over a steering wheel, and lifting improperly.
  • Pregnancy.  Pregnant women are more likely to develop back pain due to excessive physical weight in the front and loosening of the ligaments in the pelvic area as the body prepares for delivery.
  • Smoking. People who smoke are more likely to develop back pain than those who do not.


Generally, when the pain has any of the following characteristics, it is a good idea to see a doctor for evaluation:
  • Back pain after an accident, such as a car accident or falling down a ladder
  • Back pain continues and gets worse
  • The pain lasts for more than four to six weeks
  • CAUTION !!! : Contact your doctor immediately: The pain is severe and does not improve after a few days of standard treatments such as rest, ice and analgesics (such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol)  (© dralexjimenez.com  also always in collaboration with Doctor therapists can also use  herbs  
  • Severe pain during the night that wakes you up, even from a deep sleep
  • There is back and abdominal pain
  • Numbness or discomfort in the upper inner thigh, buttocks or groin
  • Neurological symptoms such as weakness, numbness or tingling in the extremities - leg, foot, arm or hand
  • Unexplained fever with increased back pain
  • Sudden pain in the upper back, especially if you are at risk for osteoporosis.
The bottom line is that everyone should remember that if in doubt, consult a doctor. If back pain worsens over time, does not improve with rest and treatment for pain or causes neurological symptoms then it is a good idea to see a doctor for back pain.


Upper and / or lower back pain is not as common as lower back or neck pain. The upper back is called the thoracic spine and is the safest part of the spine. The range of motion in the upper back is limited due to the attachments of the spine to the ribs.
Upper back pain is generally caused by soft tissue injuries such as sprains or strains, muscle spasms caused by poor posture or looking down for a long time (eg texting, cell phone use).
  • Pain
  • Tightness
  • Stiffness
  • Muscular spasm
  • Ability to touch
  • Headache


An episode of upper back pain can be triggered by different movements and actions, such as:
  • Rotation
  • Excessive bending
  • Earrings or alternative neck injury
  • Lifting inappropriately
  • Poor muscle tone
  • Continuous movements, excessive use
  • Communication with sports
  • Cargo transportation that is heavy
  • Smoking
  • To be overweight
Poor posture that works on the computer for a long time without taking a break to walk and stretch, or generally can promote upper back pain. Both muscle fatigue and muscle strain, which often result from poor posture, can cause pain.


Usually, upper back pain is not a cause for concern. However, it can be unpleasant, painful and annoying. Also, if the pain develops suddenly and is severe - such as from an injury (eg a fall) - and, of course, if the pain and symptoms (eg weakness) gradually worsen, you should seek medical attention.
In general, the following home remedies can help relieve upper back pain.
  • Short-term rest
  • Mild stretches
  • CAUTION !!! Contact your doctor immediately: In addition to the medicine, for example ibuprofen, (Motrin®), naproxen sodium (Aleve®) or acetaminophen (Tylenol. Take with food and do not take more than the recommended dose, © © dralexjimenez.com ) You can   also always use herbs in collaboration with your doctor 
  • Use a commercially available cold pack or fill a plastic bag with ice and seal the wrap. Apply to the painful area for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours for the first 2 to 3 days.
  • Heat (after the first 72 hours). After using liquid heat, gently stretch the muscles to increase mobility and relieve stiffness.
Your doctor may prescribe medications, such as a muscle relaxant or injection site injections to help greatly in breaking down muscle spasms. It can also recommend physical therapy to increase flexibility, mobility and relieve pain. Other treatments your doctor may suggest include acupuncture and chiropractic care. Most cases of upper back pain resolve in 1 to 2 weeks without additional treatment. When you can do them without pain, start your normal activities slowly. But do not rush: you could intervene in your treatment and restore the risk.

3.1 Neck:  Exercises for  and cervical syndrome

Exercises for cervical syndrome, for grip and neck pain
Basic exercises and stretching for cervical syndrome, for gripping and neck pain by Georgios Papasimakis. Published on June 26, 2016  http://papasimakis.blogspot.gr

ATTENTION !!! Before starting any exercise, first consult your doctor !!! 

Physiotherapy Neck Exercises 
Abatzoglou Physiotherapy Laboratory - Neck Exercises www.physiasis.gr

4. SOS Self-treatment: try it yourself with the MCKENZIE techniques
Most people are relieved of their pain by performing the basic McKenzie exercises. To strengthen your self-management effort, you can take advantage of the McKenzie lumbar or cervical spine, or McKenzie self-care books. These books have helped millions of people around the world treat, relieve and prevent back pain and neck pain. International scientific studies have shown that the information and exercises described in these books give positive and lasting results.

The Popular  Mckenzie Exercises - Exercises to Treat Back Pain
Try It Yourself with McKenzie Techniques

Some people need professional help to get the best results. If you can not relieve the pain on your own, do not think that McKenzie techniques are ineffective for you. If your effort with the basic McKenzie exercises does not work, consult a McKenzie Certified Therapist for help.

Please also read Supplementary Article:  Back and Neck Pain - Herbs That Can Help
5. Modern chiropractic and chiropractors
Modern chiropractic began in the late 1800s, when Daniel David Palmer, a self-taught teacher, therapist, and chiropractor, performed the first spinal manipulation on a patient. Chiropractic is the third largest area of ​​medicine today. The word chiropractic comes from the Greek words meaning "Hand treatment", which is exactly what chiropractors do - they use their hands to manipulate the body and promote healing and well-being.

A chiropractor (DC), chiropractor or chiropractor, is a health professional trained to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders. Chiropractors treat patients of all ages, infants, children and adults. They believe in a traditional (non-surgical) practical method of treating these disorders.

The philosophy of chiropractic depends on the following statements of belief:
All bodily functions are connected and the healing process requires the whole body.
A healthy nervous system, especially the spine, is the important factor for your healthy body. The spinal cord advises the whole body and is responsible for many bodily functions, such as voluntary movements (such as walking) and involuntary functions (such as breathing). When the body's systems are in balance, it is called homeostasis. Bone, muscle and nerve disorders increase the risk of the disorder along with other health problems and can disrupt homeostasis.
When body systems are in harmony, human anatomy acquires the extraordinary ability to maintain prosperity and heal itself.

Back pain and how it is treated / "Eleni"

They use traditional diagnostic testing strategies (such as X-rays, MRI scans and laboratory work) along with specific chiropractic techniques, which include practical manipulation of the body's joints (joints). Diet and healthy lifestyle counseling are also offered by chiropractors. Chiropractors choose not to prescribe medication, plus not to have surgery. However, many chiropractors work with doctors and will definitely refer a patient when needed.

Chiropractors believe that among the main causes of pain and disease is poor alignment of the vertebrae in the spine (this is known as chiropractic subluxation). Using manual sensing (palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can relieve pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore mobility. joints and help restore body homeostasis.

Some chiropractors dedicate their practices solely to finding and removing hypoglycemia. But in addition to using manual adjustments, most chiropractors offer other therapies such as the following: 
  • Physiotherapy 
  • Herbal treatment 
  • Heat / cold treatment 
  • Ultrasound 
  • Electrical muscle stimulation 
  • Acupuncture 
  • Handling under anesthesia 
  • Traction 
  • massage 
  • Educational programs and teaching 
  • Lifestyle and diet tips 
  • Physical rehabilitation 
In addition, many chiropractors have significant postgraduate training and become certified in certain specific areas of interest, such as: 

  • Neurology 
  • Orthopedic 
  • Sports medicine 
  • Physical rehabilitation 
  • Diet 
  • Diagnostic radiology 
  • Internal Disorders 
  • Pediatrics 
  • Forensic sciences 
  • Disorders That Chiropractors Treat

Chiropractors diagnose and treat many different disorders of the spine that cause musculoskeletal or nerve pain. Similar to other types of doctors, a chiropractor performs a neurological and physical examination as part of or the process of making an accurate diagnosis. X-rays or computed tomography studies may be required to confirm your diagnosis. This article highlights a number of spine related problems that could be evaluated and treated with chiropractic care.

Back sprains / strains the hard bands of tissues that hold the bones become torn or stretched sprains are caused. Strains include a muscle or tendon. It can either happen when you lift too much weight, play strenuous sports, or even bend or twist properly during the day. The pain can be aching, burning, stabbing, tingling, sharp, or dull.

Cervical headaches are caused by the known neck pain. The pain from this type of headache is usually felt and / or behind the eyes, in the temples, in the back of the head. A headache can be confusing for migraines or cluster headaches.

Coccydynia is pain that develops in the coccyx of the spine. Some people who ride a bicycle for a long time or who fall can develop coccydynia, which can worsen when sitting. The pain starts without a cause.

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is commonly associated with aging. As will be the case in the past, your discs will collapse due to years of strain, abuse or misuse or - the cushion-like cushions between your vertebrae - can degenerate. The discs can lose vibration absorption, elasticity, and flexibility. They will become thinner as they dehydrate.

Disc herniation usually occurs in the neck or low back. A disc herniation can lead to pain as soon as the outer ring (ring) or inner matter (gel nucleus) presses on a nearby nerve root.

Myofascial pain is a chronic pain disease where pressure on sensitive muscle points, also known as trigger points - can cause deep, aching pain in seemingly unrelated parts of your body. This is called referred to as pain. Sometimes myofascial pain feels like a "knot" in your muscle, and occurs after a muscle is used repeatedly.

Opioid syndrome can occur when the opioid muscle (a lean muscle located in the buttocks) compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve. Symptoms may be called sciatica and may include pain and / or sensations (tingling, numbness) traveling down the buttocks (s) to one or both legs.

Sciatica can occur when the sciatic nerve or a branch of the sciatic nerve is compressed or becomes swollen. Trademark Sciatica is moderate. Some people with sciatica describe the pain as intense, such as an electric shock, or shooting.

Short leg or leg length difference is also called leg length mismatch (one leg is shorter than the other).

Spondylosis or spinal osteoarthritis can affect the joints appearance of the spine or other bones. This type of arthritis is associated with aging.

Lash strap is a large bending injury / overexertion usually occurs when a car is back over. The neck and head are "hit" suddenly and quickly forward (large bending) and backward (overextension), which can lead in severe neck sprain and / or strain.

The Benefits of Chiropractic
Chiropractic services have many benefits for young and old alike.
Realistically, not everyone needs chiropractic adjustment right now. Like many aspects of personal health, it depends on the physical condition of each individual. However, it is impossible to know if chiropractic care is necessary until you have actually been examined by a chiropractor. The following are some of the many benefits chiropractic services can provide to patients throughout their lives.

Many parents wonder if choosing a chiropractor is safe for young children. The short answer is yes. Pediatric chiropractic care is fully adopted by the American Chiropractic Association and chiropractors receive pediatric education as part of their doctoral studies.

Clinical Decision Making Procedure for the Physiotherapeutic Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Scoliosis

Now more than ever, children's spines are subjected to many types of stress that can cause disorientation, such as: heavy backpacks, increased use of computers and mobile devices, and sports injuries.
Chiropractic care can address these issues and has also been used successfully to treat everything from colic, chronic ear infections and back and neck pain.

Many adolescents engage in sports activities. Bad posture habits and heavy backpacks can also negatively affect your teen's spine. Chiropractors help with lower back pain caused by sports activities and help minor injuries heal faster.
As the aligned spine reduces pain and stiffness, it allows the body to become more flexible and stronger. Regular adjustments can help your teen perform better and improve overall health.

The benefits of chiropractic care continue and extend into adulthood. Here we look at the neck and spine settings that are often used to repair injuries related to the automotive, work and sports industries. Drivers, military and commercial pilots often seek chiropractic care because of the long hours they sit in awkward positions and from being subjected to extreme forces g in high-performance aircraft.
Adult patients also showed many other positive results from chiropractic care, such as:
  • I feel less stressed 
  • better sleep 
  • Lower blood pressure 
  • Reduced feelings of depression 
  • Less chronic pain 
  • fewer headaches 
  • Improved pregnancies 
  • Seniors
One of the most common myths about chiropractic care is that the elderly are considered too old and vulnerable to take advantage of it. In fact, the opposite is true. Elderly patients undergoing spinal surgery have reported many significant improvements in quality of life.

Stabilization Exercises: 

5. What is the right sleeping posture ???
What is the best sleeping position?
What is the best sleeping position? Kevin Wade talks about side, stomach and back sleeping positions and what is the best position to get rest and prevent pain. He also gives a secret to stop sleeping on your stomach if your are having neck pain. Posted on 4 Nov 2015

Therapeutic exercise: Applications in chronic neck and waist pain

http: / /www.emprosnet.gr/emprosnet-archive/45fd357b-e121-478a-9484-1592fbaef526

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https://www.skoliosi.com/images/pdf/_______. pdf
http : //www.who.int/medicines/areas/traditional/Chiro-Guidelines.pdf



By Tsermakian Toros

Treatment of chronic back pain with the McKenzie method in the light of scientific evidence

Indicative exercise book Pilates for patients with back pain


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