They simply reduce the severity of the symptoms, while the disease itself progresses. Side effects, iatrogenic diseases of anti-arthritis drugs such as anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, aspirin, etc. are so many and so serious that we would need many of our articles to mention them. The side effects of various anti-inflammatory drugs start from nausea, heartburn, stomach ulcer, headache, rash, ringing in the ears, anemia and various others, which endanger the life of the patient.
The only sensible and effective treatment for arthritis starts with simple lifestyle and dietary changes, which are the solution of pharmacotherapy.
The relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and diet has been scientifically researched, with very positive results. A study from London Medical School showed that milk and cheese mostly worsen this condition. Another study from an American University found that some people with rheumatoid arthritis were completely relieved of their symptoms when they followed a fat-free diet. Experiments have also shown that some patients have substantial pain relief and swelling flared up when they avoided certain foods, such as meat. These and many other studies have shown a link between rheumatoid arthritis and diet.
Before reading this article it is good to read: Arthritis a multifaceted treatment - "Also the amount of food has been found to have an effect on the disease. Fasting has been shown to not only alleviate this condition but in combination with a proper and a healthy diet helps restore health in most cases. "
The second form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. At the Memorial Hospital in London in 1982, the 4th International Food Allergy Symposium was held and it was reported that joint pain and swelling may actually be caused by a food allergy in some patients. Dr. Derek Wright took care to remove some of their eggs, milk, and products from their diet to alleviate them. Other scientists have found that eating small amounts of food prevents or slows the development of osteoarthritis.
Chronic arthritis destroys joint tissues due to prolonged inflammation. The degree to which damaged joint tissue can be repaired depends on the extent of the damage that has occurred, and how much healing power the arthritic body has.
In some cases, the joint tissues are completely damaged and cannot be repaired. But in most cases where the destruction is not complete, fasting then brings beneficial changes, even complete healing.
During a fast, when the body does not have to deal with the digestion of food, then it deals with removing the toxins that create the problem, quickly and effectively. As the toxins reduce the irritation of the damaged tissues, it is reduced at the same time. Hygienists have treated hundreds of cases of arthritis of any kind with this method. Osteoarthritis is easier than rheumatoid arthritis which requires more effort. So a strict diet in addition to the initial fast, with fruits, raw vegetables in the beginning and later a freer but healthier diet, and a quiet life with rest, sleep and fresh air every day, is a must. Then we use light exercises as much as possible, such as swimming in the warm sea in summer, and a brisk walk and some exercises that do not cause pain, not intense because arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, and inflammation is a defensive action that the body does to get rid of the harmful factors that in our case are toxins from the poor diet and the body with this inflammation tries to burn these toxins. So do not take medicines that are intended to stop this process of the body, because medicines can temporarily eliminate the pain, but they do not drive away the fire, ie the root cause of arthritis itself. It gets rid of the harmful factors that in our case are the toxins from the bad diet and the body with this inflammation tries to burn these toxins. So do not take medicines that are intended to stop this process of the body, because medicines can temporarily eliminate the pain, but they do not drive away the fire, ie the root cause of arthritis itself. It gets rid of the harmful factors that in our case are the toxins from the bad diet and the body with this inflammation tries to burn these toxins. So do not take medicines that are intended to stop this process of the body, because medicines can temporarily eliminate the pain, but they do not drive away the fire, ie the root cause of arthritis itself.
Another study has shown that popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which inhibit the activity of hormones called prostaglandins, can actually worsen osteoarthritis faster than it would without drugs, destroying more joint tissue than were lost without drugs. Many forms of severe arthritis that cause disabilities, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, are classified together as inflammatory arthritis. In poor parts of the world, where people eat little animal, little dairy and very little refined food, and most of their food is whole grains, vegetables, legumes and fruits, the diseases we have mentioned are rare, and the few cases that exist are mild without disabilities. But when they migrate to rich countries and learn the same diet, rich in animal and refined foods, that is, a completely unhealthy diet, arthritis is for them in the same place of developed peoples.
In Greece, osteoarthritis and degenerative arthritis are a very common condition. One in three Greeks after the age of 50 suffers from some form of arthritis, while in the underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa, and while people work hard all their lives, their joints remain healthy and flexible and free from swelling. , pain, and arthritis are not as prevalent.
A healthy diet has made people who have suffered for many years suffering from all forms of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, vertebral arthritis, disc disease, lumbago, lumbar sciatica, rheumatism and many other diseases such as stomatitis, mouth, heart, they did perfectly well with the detox diet called "bloodless surgery".
The most prestigious medical journal in England, The Lancet, in 1991, published the results of a study on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, which is the most severe form of arthritis, when a group of 27 patients using therapeutic fasting and of plant-based nutrition given by experienced specialists had spectacular results.
But most patients relapse when they resume their old diet. However, those who followed a proper diet and lifestyle after the spa fast continued to improve and maintain the benefits of fasting.
Of the more than 2 million Greeks who suffer from various forms of arthritis, 70-80% could do well with a program of detoxification, plant-based nutrition, proper posture, and sunbathing. The diet that supports joint health and reduces progressively dramatically the destructive development of inflammatory arthritis, should not include any animal foods and no fat. The benefits of such a healthy diet plan become apparent after about two months. As long as the sufferer persists, showing discipline and patience.
CAUTION !!! Before you see the following information it is good to have read: Arthritis Joint Health and herbs a multifaceted treatment Incense: the miracle !!!
Experts point out that this is a natural way to treat the disease without side effects, unlike conventional treatments, with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are commonly used against arthritis.
Like aloe, eucalyptus is widely used for a variety of ailments. Eucalyptus leaf extract helps treat arthritis pain. Its leaves contain tannins, which can help reduce the swelling and pain caused by arthritis.
Also, try using warm compresses on the sore spot after applying eucalyptus to maximize results.
You may have ginger in your closet mainly for cooking, but this herb is also a base in many alternative medicine forms. The chemical compounds that give ginger its intense flavor are the same that give it anti-inflammatory properties.
So far, not enough research has been done on the effectiveness of ginger in arthritis, but according to the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), the first studies to reduce RA swelling with RA Ginger use is promising.
The symptoms of arthritis come naturally over the years and can prevent you from carrying out your daily activities normally.
In fact, the pain and swelling (inflammation) may still exist despite medical intervention.
In an effort to alleviate these pains, many arthritis patients are looking for those herbs that help fight arthritis.
Beneficial effect against arthritis seems to have pomegranate juice, according to American researchers.
Experiments on rabbits conducted by experts at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland showed that pomegranate juice had anti-inflammatory action, thus preventing the development of arthritis.
They found that pomegranate not only halved this activity, but also increased the levels of antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory action. Although these results need further research, scientists do not rule out the possibility that pomegranate has the same positive effect on the human body.
Two teaspoons a day is enough to reduce the pain of arthritis, according to a new Scottish study.
Experts from the University of Dundee monitored a total of 100 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain. The participants were divided into two groups: they were given 10 g. cod liver oil per day (equivalent to 2 teaspoons) while at the same time they continued to take the painkillers they were taking until then, and they were not given only placebos.
Nine months later, the researchers found that 39% of those taking cod liver oil were able to reduce their daily dose by 30%, compared with 10% in the other group.
But most important of all, as the experts point out in the scientific journal "Rheumatology" is the fact that those who managed to reduce their medication thanks to cod liver oil, did not show any worsening of their symptoms. Instead, they reduced the side effects of the drugs.
Scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm say a diet based on vegetables alone can significantly reduce the chances of complications.
According to experts, this helps to dramatically reduce the levels of bad cholesterol that are associated with cardiovascular disease.
Green tea is one of the most popular beverages for many health reasons and its usefulness even for RA pains is another.
Turmeric is a yellow powder made from the plant of the same name. Unlike other herbs, NCCAM argues that turmeric may work better to fight joint pain when taken orally.
Laboratory studies in mice have shown that this herb can slow the progression of RA. However, not enough human studies have been performed to determine the exact role of turmeric in the fight against RA.
Can rheumatoid arthritis be treated without medication?
It is a question that concerns patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Is there a non-pharmacological treatment of the disease? And if so, what is it and how is it done? In the scientific article that you will read today you will find answers to all your questions about rheumatoid arthritis, but you will also see how we can deal with it without medication. Writes George Kitas, Rheumatologist
George Kitas Rheumatologist, Director of the Department of Rheumatology HYGEIA
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