Rheumatoid arthritis belongs to the inflammatory arthritis, characterized by long morning joint stiffness, swelling and pain. It concerns all ages and both sexes, with predominance in women. If rheumatoid arthritis is left untreated, the effects on the joints can be severe and the patient may have mobility problems, inability to cope with daily life and problems with the cardiovascular, respiratory and others. Apart from timely medication, which is very important, there are other ways we can take care of our joints.
1. Diet: It is good to maintain a balanced diet in terms of calories with low-calorie meals low in fat, rich in unsaturated and low in saturated fat, so as not to increase the body weight of patients and not strain their joints. The necessary amount of calcium and Vit D required to prevent and prevent osteoporosis, which can occur due to rheumatoid arthritis and some treatments (eg cortisone) is also recommended. It is recommended to avoid eating red meat both for causing high cholesterol and for the risk of stroke or heart attack that increases in rheumatoid arthritis. The diet should be carefully monitored by a doctor or nutritionist without exclusions of food groups.
2. Modification of some daily habits such as:
a) Smoking: It is recommended to stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk and severity of rheumatoid arthritis, and reduces the good response to treatment.
b) Coffee: Limited coffee consumption is recommended. The large amount has been associated with an increased predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Physiotherapy: It is achieved in the form of a specific program of exercises - movements that is formed in collaboration with the physiotherapist and with the use of machines. The mobility of the joints is maintained and the muscular system is strengthened. Improves patient support, balance and protects joints from excessive stress.
4. Exercise: In addition to physiotherapy, exercise combined with rest plays an important role in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. A personalized program by a physiotherapist or trainer is recommended. Exercise can be done in the gym, at home or in a swimming pool (aerobics in the pool, swimming) so the joints are less stressed. The patient should be aware that any exercise that causes pain, burning or swelling should be stopped and the physiotherapist or trainer informed. Necessary condition are the right shoes, the right clothes and the warm-up.
There are also complementary - alternative treatments such as acupuncture and massage. When done by specialized people, they have a soothing effect on the symptoms of joint pain.
A patient with rheumatoid arthritis can have a good quality of life as long as they follow, in addition to the medication prescribed by their doctor, rules that in some way contribute to the better course of the disease.
George Kitas  Rheumatologist, Director of the Department of Rheumatology HYGEIA
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